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Morning Prayer

"Dear Lord, as I begin this day.
Give me grace and strength I pray.
To do the RIGHT and shun the wrong.
And keep within my heart a song.
Let my mind be clear and keen.
My every motive pure and clean.
That I may see and understand.
The good that's in my fellow man.
And Lord, protect my eyes and ears.
From evil I would see and hear.
And let my arms be ever out.
To those in sorrow, pain and doubt.

Direct my feet lest I should stray.
And cause some one to miss the way.
I'll follow anywhere you lead,
if you'll provide the faith I need.
And Lord, if there is any way
Will you control my tongue today?
For of all the "parts" my body hosts,
my tongue's the one I use the most.

So take it Lord and "hone" it down.
And make the edges, soft and round.
Don't let me hurt or criticize,
one living soul for whom you died.
I dedicate myself to thee, my body,
mind and soul.
I dare not venture from this room.
Till you are fully in control.

Now Lord, as I go out today.
To mix with folks along the way.
If you let me bless just one.
I'll thank you when the day is done.
Lord. if there is no one I can help today,
please don't let me hurt anyone today!!

May God Bless You and keep you safe!

Thank you for visiting me!
With God's Love Joan

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