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The smile of the sky

The smile of the sky

The clapping of trees,
The flowing of falls,
The kiss of a breeze,

The laughter of children,
The sparkle of eyes,
The depths of oceans,
The heights of skies,

The comfort of a mother,
The strength of mountains,
The purity of love
Flowing freer than fountains

For all these and more
I give thanks to You;
Yes, I praise You, Jesus,
For all that You do.

Surely Your gifts
Are too many to count;
You are the Source of good,
Love’s flowing Fount.

What can I do
To express my gratitude?
Accept the gift of me,
Embrace my servitude.

For what would I be
Were it not for Your love?
Surely all good I know
Is Your gift from above.

You are laughter of my heart,
The sparkle of my eyes,
You are every miracle,
Every sweet surprise;

You are the smile of the sky,
The clapping of trees,
So I live, my Jesus,
For Your heart to please.
© Copyright 2013 Caroline Gavin
Used with permission
All Rights Reseved

May You always be covered by God's pure love!

Thank you for visiting with me Joan!!!

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