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Sky So Gray And Cloudy

Sky So Gray And Cloudy

Thoughts jumbles into a mess
God I'm asking you please
this poor soul to bless

I appreciate all I have
no more do I want
but dark thoughts cloud my mind
my brain they do haunt

Alzheimer's is an illness
so deep and so awfully black
once they've reached that point
there is just no going back

Trying so hard to deal
with the devil inside to fight
a disease that is a thief
that steals into the night

I wish this on no one
I pray for those inside
I pick myself up and go on
my dark thoughts I'll go back and hide

Alzheimer's is a thief
that takes ones we love, away
I pick myself up and go on
one moment at a time , day by day !
By Debi Fisher
Used wit permission

May You always be covered by God's pure love!

Thank you for visiting with me Joan!!!

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