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Heart Song

Heart Song

Everyone has a song in their heart.
Everyone has a reason for being here
and a season for making their highest,
greatest most auspicious contribution.
No one knows what that is or when
that is for anyone else.
Only our own heart knows
what and when it is for us.
Your heart wants to sing.

Don’t die with your music still within you.
There is a reason for everything
and a purpose to your life.
Too many fail to listen to the song
in their heart and therefore fail to
find their purpose and their part.
What makes your soul sing
and your heart dance?
Actually you heart is your
soul and you are both!

Ask this one question of yourself
but don't be in a hurry to answer it.
Live in the question for
a day,a week,a month.
Let it invite your heart to speak to you.
And when you are absolutely sure
what your heart is saying
is true then begin to invoke the
changes necessary in your
life so that you live in
alignment with your song.
Be patient with this.
Author Unknown

May the Lord Bless you and keep you safe in His arms!

Thank you for visiting with me!


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