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Celestial Staircase


Celestial Staircase
When feeling sad and lonely
for a loved one who has passed
Climb the celestial staircase
Step into the past

Embrace the memories
Woven in your soul
With tiny golden threads
That connected two hearts
Truly made them whole.

A bridge between two hearts
Indeed a very short span
Climb the celestial staircase
Grasp your loved ones hand.

Look toward the lamp of heaven
Begin your celestial flight
Past the stars, beyond the moon
Follow most Heavenly light

Share a little visit
In our Creators Hallowed space
With those you loved, who left you
Who now share His Heavenly space

If grief lies heavy in your heart
for those you have loved and lost
Climb the celestial staircase
Catch a memory, smile and play

Steps between eternity and reality
A celestial staircase away.
Author Eleanor Mae Kreps
Thank you Eleanor for letting
me use your poem!

May You always be covered in God's Pure Love!

Thank you for
visiting with me!

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