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That Old Truck

That Old Pickup Truck

That old pickup truck
That sits in the field on grandpa's farm
Was so shiney and new when grandpa got it.
It was good for doing all kinds of work
Grandpa hauled hay and
pulled the horse trailer with it.
He used it for everything on the farm.

It was a shiney red pickup truck when it was new.
Now it's all rusty and just sits in the field.
My grandpa let me learn how to drive with it.
We would go around the farm and
down the old dirt road.
By then it was old and a little rusty
But it still ran good.

Now it just sits out there in the field
with the grass growing all around it.
I can remember my Grandpa and
that old pickup truck!!
That was years ago.
J. Miessau © 5-13-2009
All Rights Protected

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