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Without You Lord Jesus

Without You Lord Jesus
I can not travel this road alone.
Help me as I journey on my way,
Make me what you'd like me to be,
So that I can serve you Lord,
And win souls to you, this I pray.

My Road may be filled
with stumbling blocks
And detours along the way.
I know Dear Lord you will guide my feet
Upon the path you'd have me take.
Someday Lord, I know we will meet
In that beautiful land beyond the sky,
Where the soul of man will never die.

On my journey as I go,
I'll sing your praises here below,
Till your angels come for me,
And carry me home on the wings of a dove.
Without you Lord I was nothing,
Then I found your sweet love.
© Beulah Marie Starr
Used with permission

Thank you for visiting me! Joan

May You always be covered in God's Pure Love!




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