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You Did

You Did
There have been
situations in your life
that you thought you
would never get through.
And yet, you did.
There have been
challenges you faced
that you thought you
would never overcome.
And yet, you did.

There have been losses you've suffered
that you thought you would
never be able to get beyond.
And yet, you did.
For you are here today, stronger,
wiser, more experienced
and more knowledgeable as a result of it all.
Though the road has
had its rough spots,
you've successfully made
your way along it.

There will certainly be more
rough spots ahead,
and there may even be some
particularly difficult ones right now.
So it pays, every now and then,
to look back and remember
that even though you thought
you wouldn't get through,
you did.

And perhaps, if you think about it,
you'll see that there's really never
any reason to doubt yourself.
For when life challenged you
to make your way through,
you did.
And now, even more importantly,
you will...

The best way out of
a problem is through it.

Thank you for visiting me! Joan

May You always be covered in God's Pure Love!




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