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Stones channel energy for us as we do spells etc. They even hold thier own special energy we can use. However, be most cautious when using Stones for sometimes you and that particular stone may not mix. If physical symptoms such as headache, nausea, or upset stomach, tell you that either the particular stone in your hand or the stone in general may not be compatible with you. There are plenty of stones that do the same thing, use another. Also refer to my colors page to adhere to colors. Stones may have several color facets to them. Read!!!
North: Moss Agate, Emerald, Jet, Olivine, Salt, Black Tourmaline

East: Imperial Topaz, Citrine, Mica, Pumice

South: Amber, Obsidian, Rhodochrosite, Ruby, Lava, Garnet

West: Aquamarine, Chalcedony, Jade, Lapis Lazuli, Moonstone, Sugilite

Stones Of the Goddesses:

Usually all pink, green and blue stones, or those related to Venus and the Moon. In general use water and earth ruled stones, such as Emerald, Pink Tourmaline, Rose quartz, blue quartz, aquamarine, and turquoise.

Specific stones for Goddesses:

Aphrodite: Salt
Ceres: Emerald
Coatlicue: Jade
Cybele: Jet
Diana: Amethyst, Moonstone, and Pearl
Freya: Pearl
Great Mother, The: Amber, Coral, Geodes, Holed Stones
Hathor: Turquoise
Isis: Coral, Emeralds, Lapis Lazuli, Moonstone, Pearl
Kwan Yin: Jade
Mara: Beryl, Aquamarine,
Nuit: Lapis lazuli
Pele: Lava, Obsidian, Peridot, Olivine, Pumice
Selene: Moonstone, Selenite
Tiamat: Beryl
Venus: Emerald, Lapis Lazuli, Pearl

Stones of the Gods:
Usually red and orange stones. Fire and Air ruled stones such as: carnelian, ruby, garnet, orange calcite, diamond, tigers eye, topaz, sunstone, bloodstone, and red tourmaline.

Specific stones for the Gods:

Aesculapius: Agate
Apollo: Sapphire
Baccuhus: Amethyst
Cupid: Opal
Dionysus: Amethyst
Mars: Onyx, and Sardonyz
Neptune: Beryl
Odin: Holed Stone
Poseidon: Beryl, Pearl, Aquamarine
Ra: Tigers Eye
Tezcatilipoca: Obsidian

Gemstone.......Magickal Properties and Uses

Agate, Botswana         Eases stress and pain of a loss. Reduces anxiety.
Agate, Green Moss        Restores energy and health, bring wearer happiness, emotional balance, wealth, health, and long life
Amazonite         Attracts success, money and luck
Amber             Fossils from pine tree resin, they add strength to magick  and spells, attract love and increase beauty.
Amethyst            Increases spiritual awareness, used in all workings for peace, love, happiness and protection, used in divination and psychic work
Apache Tears          Carry as a good luck charm.
Aventurine           Increases mental powers, perception and creative insight, gambler's stone
Bloodstone           Increases physical strength and courage, brings victory in the courtroom, used to banish, exorcise
Carnelian           Promotes self-confidence and peace, eases depression
Fluorite               Reduces emotional involvement, used to gain perspective, increase mental power
Garnet               Enhances strength and endurance, protection, healing, enhances self-esteem and encourages success in business
Hematite           Used for grounding, stabilizing, focusing, brings emotional balance
Jasper, Red          Sends back negativity to it's source, reversing, used for stress
Lapis Lazuli           Stimulates wisdom, truthfulness, psychic awareness, healing
Lepidolilte         A calming stone, this is carried for peace, spirituality and to drive off negativity.
Lodestone, Green       Draws money, employment, strengthens loyalty, used in bindings
Lodestone, Red            Draws love, friendship, strengthens loyalty, used in bindings
Malachite         Draws money and protection, guards wearer from danger
Moonstone           Draws love, hope and protection, promotes unselfishness.and helps settle disputes, induces prophetic dreams
Mother of Pearl      Draws money, wealth and protection, relates to the
Obsidian               Used for grounding and centering, divination, and increasing spirituality
Petrified Wood         Good for past life work, nervous conditions, and grounding
Quartz, Rose           Draws love and happiness
Quartz, Smoky          Mood elevator, overcomes negative emotions and depression
Quartz, Yellow           Draws protection, mental awareness. Used in magick to improve visualization
Rock Crystal         Draws protection, psychic ability
Sodalite              Used for meditation, brings wisdom and calms inner conflicts
Tigereye           Draws wealth and money, protects travelers, increases clarity of thought
Tourmaline, Black     Used for grounding and absorbing negative energy

Crystals For Your Life

This guide lists a number of areas of life and issues and the crystals which can help you to deal with them.

Abundance: (We know that there are many forms of abundance--health, friendship, creativity. In this category we're talking about material abundance, or, if you prefer,
money): Citrine, emerald, smoky quartz.

Anxiety relief: Rhodochrosite

Balancing of emotions and intellect: (or intuition and reason. Lack of balance can show up when people have a million new ideas which they never follow through on,
when they are constantly overwhelmed by emotion, when they demand a scientific explanation for everything, or have difficulty expressing their emotions): malachite,
moss agate, sodalite.

Calming: Amethyst, aquamarine, chrysocolla

Communication: Amazonite, aquamarine, blue lace agate, turquoise

Creativity: (whether you want to create a new job, relationship, living place, or more traditional art forms) carnelian, garnet, malachite, tiger's eye

Depression/negativity relief: citrine, moonstone, smoky quartz

Dreams: Amethyst, sugilite

Emotional healing: Emerald, moonstone, rhodonite, rose quartz

Emotional protection: hematite, rose quartz

Energy: (this could be the ability to have more energy or to be more attuned to subtle energy) garnet, ruby

Grounding: all dark stones, including hematite, smoky quartz, tiger's eye. Carnelian and jasper are also considered to be grounding

Letting go of anger and grief: amethyst, rose quartz

Guilt and resentments: sugilite

Love: rhodonite, rose quartz

Mental clarity: carnelian, sodalite

Psychic development: Amethyst, lapis, labradorite/spectrolite

Relationships: quartz clusters, any of the love stones above

Self-esteem: All agates, rose quartz, smoky quartz

Stress relief: Amethyst, aquamarine

Pages Of Information
Divination Methods
Wheel of the year
Books I reccommend

