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The Realm of Stuff
Tuesday, 14 June 2005
Life as a Mouse
Mood:  sharp
Now Playing: Sara Groves' "Roll To The Middle"

good news: i'm catcher for the office's softball team.
bad news: we're the Fertility Center Inseminators.

good news: we won last night's game.
bad news: it was because of "the two sweetest words in the English language! DE-FAULT! DE-FAULT!"

the other team only had four people show up, so we got dolled up for nothin'. oh well. we're doing pretty good. we've only lost one game thus far. we're in one league right now, which ends either here at the end of June or at the beginning of July, and then we roll over into the Collegedale League, we'll see how we hold up over there.

wrote a script for the 5th Commandment yesterday that turned out pretty well, if i do say so myself. wrote it with Brittney Wearner in mind, so i'm going by her place tonight to give her the script, to see if she wants to come aboard.

developed about six rolls of black and white film last night, in what was the most expensive development process ever but was also a wonderful experiment in composition, lighting, and black and white film for me. my models were: Kelly, Brittney, Michelle and Kristi. with a couple of cameos by Rachel. most of them turned out real well, but Kristi's roll for some reason, really sucked. good pictures, but i messed them up in the development (i developed the negatives by hand and took the negatives to Wolf Camera for the prints). so only have a handful out of the Kristi pictures that look any good. sorry Kristi.

David Rodney (a local talent agent) is hooking me up with an actor, which is exciting. i'm supposed to hear from the guy sometime this week.

shooting pre-production video with Morgan this evening. we're meeting at the Spalding Gym at 6pm.

after seeing the success of "If You Give a Mouse a Cookie," i have decided to write a similar, if not eerily parallel book called "If You Give a Man Some Nookie."

publishers are standing by.

wrote by ScottishFogg at 9:10 AM EDT
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