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The Realm of Stuff
Monday, 20 June 2005
The Magdalene Sisters visit Philadelphia
Mood:  happy
Now Playing: James Horner's "The Fencing Lesson" from his score for "The Mask of Zorro"

wow. two incredibly sobering movies in one weekend. i need to learn to pace myself better. the first was an Irish film called "The Magdalene Sisters." it's the true story about the laundries that were run by the Catholic church in Ireland that "fallen women" were sent to that they might atone for their "sins." the other film i took in might as well have been a true story, it played like one. it was Tom Hanks and Denzel Washington's "Philadelphia." i had never seen it and it was way beyond time for me to watch it. amazing performances all 'round. my only wish is i wish they had ended the courtroom part of it more conclusively. with the evidence provided both in and out of court, i'm not convinced the men who fired him fired him out of their bigotry. yes, they were bigots. bigots enough to fire him? i dunno.

spent last night watching "The Blue Collar Comedy Tour" with Marshall (my little brother) and doing some photoshop work for Alyssa Bonagura. she recently had a photo shoot and she wasn't pleased with her pictures and asked me to touch up a couple of them:

i know, i know. you see one of Scott's collages, you've seen them all. well, to the two of you who are reading this, GET. OVER. IT.

have a meeting with David Rodney this afternoon. he's a local talent agent -- have i told you this before? we're gonna get together and discuss how we might be mutually beneficial for one another.

i have two (count 'em, two!) softball games tonight. better go hit the batting cages.

wrote by ScottishFogg at 8:48 AM EDT
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