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The Realm of Stuff
Tuesday, 21 June 2005
My Parents' Study Buddy
Mood:  caffeinated
Now Playing: Matchbox 20's "Real World"

as i burn the Batman Begins soundtrack, i thought i'd go ahead and do my daily update dance.

oh, right. you can't see that. well it's a sight to behold, believe you me.

i finished watching "Firefly" last night. i have the box set -- having purchased it after renting the first disc of the set from Netflix. it make me sad that quality programming gets cancelled after a dozen or so episodes when we have long-running crap still filling the airwaves. it was, simply put, a highly imaginitive television show that got cancelled before it could even finish its first season. if you like westerns, sci-fi, or Joss Whedon's work, this has your name written all over it. this September, "Serenity," a movie based on this show, is coming out, so i'll see you at the movies. or you'll see me. either way, i'll be seeing it in the theatre.

it's a very strange time and place to be when you're helping your parents with their homework. my dad is taking a class that has peppered with various computer programs (Word, Power Point, Excel, and now Dreamweaver) and i've been the "go-to" person for help in these. my mom calls me up:

"hey, you know web design."


"but you have a website."

"yeah, but it's Angelfire," i say, not bringing the Fertility Center's website into the discussion.

"Angelfire?" she repeats. "Is that like Dreamweaver?"

"Yes," I roll my eyes, "that's exactly where I was going with that statement."

"Well good then, think you can come over and help him after work?"

so i did. i've helped him with his other projects too, and i've realized that i'm just not cut-out to be a computer progamming teacher. sorry. maybe if the subject was screenwriting . . .

oh hey, Batman Begins is done burning. time for me to go label the tracks. tootles!

wrote by ScottishFogg at 9:25 AM EDT
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Tuesday, 21 June 2005 - 4:11 PM EDT

Name: Alison

First of all, YEA for the Matchbox Twenty plug in your "now playing." :)

Secondly, I can relate...I am always helping my parents and people at work with their computer! Every week I have to help someone with excel I think. But that's ok - I look like the smart one. ;) It's really just a side effect of growing up in this generation.

Thursday, 23 June 2005 - 1:29 PM EDT

Name: ScottishFogg
Home Page: http://youre already there

i never thought about it like that before, but you're right. my entire life, people (read: my parents) have assumed i know everything there is to know about the computer.

let's get it out in the open right now:

i know nothing.

yes, i can navigate Photoshop, Illustrator, Final Cut, Final Draft, Excel, Word, Word Perfect, Dreamweaver and have an above average knowledge of the Internet (enough to know that Al Gore didn't invent it) and i can function on a Windows platform as well as OSX . . . but that doesn't mean i know how to help you.

okay, it probably does.

yay for Generation X.5!

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