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The Realm of Stuff
Thursday, 30 June 2005
Ode to the Taco Bell Girl
Mood:  energetic
Now Playing: Alan Silvestri's "Back to the Future III" score

we wrapped on "Respect" last night. LOL. that's a sentence that you can write and more clearly express what you're saying than by actually saying it. if i told someone we wrapped last night, they would probably think we rapped last night. ah, phonetics, comedy gold!

but confusing phonetics aside, the shoot went amazingly. i think we accomplished more shots last night than we ever have (not combined, mind you). we were a well-oiled machine that set up, shot, tore down, set up, shot, tore down. i gotta tip my hat to Morgan who did her routine ad nauseum so i could get the shots i wanted. thankfully, it was not hard (at all) to make her look good. she's a very talented gymnast.

all the footage is capturing right now. i began editing yesterday, as we filmed the beginning and the end the night before and it's gonna turn out good. after i edit it, i'll pass off the video to Stephen Lamb, who's onboard to compose a score for it. i love this stuff. i might complain about it, but nothing feels so completing as to work on a film.

but that actually wasn't the highlight of my day. yesterday, between work and the shoot, i was STARVING. starving and running late. i didn't have time to run home and make supper, so i swung by Taco Bell's drive thru. i ordered two bean burritos, nachos, and a medium Dr Pepper and pulled up to the window.

"Four thirty-three," said the window clerk.

I checked my wallet. I only had two ones, a five dollar coupon to Media Play, and a two dollar and one cent voucher for McKay's. I handed her my debit card. She handed me my Dr Pepper.

She leaned back out the window and handed me my food. But not my debit card. She disappeared back through her window and didn't return for a moment. When the windows opened again, she leaned out, holding my card.

"Your card has been declined. I think its our machine, it's been doing this to people today. Do you have another card or any money?"

My stomach growled and my heart plummeted. "I only have two dollars."

She glanced over her shoulder. "Gimme the two dollars."

"What?" I gasped. "Are you sure?"

"My manager's in the back." She whispered. "Don't tell anyone."

I handed over my two dollars and lock eyes with her. "You're amazing."

She smiled and winked. "Get outta here before you get me fired."

Which I did.

now mind you, this is a total stranger. i'm sure some of you are chalking this up to my dashing good looks, winning personality, or my oh-so-witty comedic humour, but i know the truth. i'm a balding shmoe she doesn't know from Adam -- or atom. not really sure what that phrase is, only know what it means.

as i drove off, i prayed that God would return the favour she bestowed on me. i prayed that He would bless her. there's not enough good people in the world. people who are willing to help out poor film graduates. i know a lot of people would have just smiled at me and thrown the food away. but not her. she took what i had and gave me what i needed.

thank-you, Taco Bell Window Clerk. you have restored and renewed my faith in humanity. and secured me as a life-long Taco Bellian.

wrote by ScottishFogg at 8:53 AM EDT
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Thursday, 30 June 2005 - 2:46 PM EDT

Name: Amanda
Home Page:

Way to go Taco Bell employee! What a great experience, and a good blog to read too. Reading your blog gives me something to do when I need a mental break from work. Emails dont come fast enough these days, have you noticed? It's as if people dont even have time to email anymore, let alone write a decent letter.

Gotta say Scott, that reading about your wedding videography assignment nearly made me fall out of my chair laughing. That is so aweful and funny all at the same time. I needed a good laugh right about then, and always, so thanks.

Thursday, 30 June 2005 - 2:54 PM EDT

Name: Amanda
Home Page:

Way to go Taco Bell employee! What a great experience, and a good blog to read too. Reading your blog gives me something to do when I need a mental break from work. Emails dont come fast enough these days, have you noticed? It's as if people dont even have time to email anymore, let alone write a decent letter.

Gotta say Scott, that reading about your wedding videography assignment nearly made me fall out of my chair laughing. That is so aweful and funny all at the same time. I needed a good laugh right about then, and always, so thanks.

Thursday, 30 June 2005 - 2:56 PM EDT

Name: ABH

sometimes I hate the internet.. it kept timing out while I was writing this, so please disregard one of my posted comments. Apologies.

Thursday, 30 June 2005 - 3:29 PM EDT

Name: ScottishFogg

should i reply twice?

should i reply twice?

sorry, tasteless joke at your expense. glad someone other than me enjoys this page! ;)

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