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The Realm of Stuff
Wednesday, 6 July 2005
Oops . . . At Least I Won't Do It Again
Mood:  accident prone
Now Playing: Part 1: Frou Frou's cover of "Holding Out For a Hero" Part 2: Bonnie Tyler's "Holding Out For a Hero"

Part 1

woke up this morning at 6:50 when my alarm went off. woke up again at 7:44, realizing i had promptly fallen back to sleep after my alarm went off. i walked into work at 8:05. damn i'm good.

beat Max Payne. great game. very mature. very story and character-driven. it was the first game that i've played that rightfully earned it's "M" rating. most "M" rated games are there just because of needless gore or language. but everything within this game made sense, it was like watching and controlling a great New York cop movie. GREAT ending, GREAT final level (glad to see someone hasn't lost the touch). i'm now in the middle of 007: Everything or Nothing, which is admittedly an inferior game, but you have to give props to them actually assembling a cast for the game: Pierce Brosnan, Willem Dafoe, Shannon Elizabeth, Heidi Klum, Mya, John Cleese and of course Dame Judi Dench. the production value is unlike any game i've played before. but the game isn't without its flaws. oh well. it's just a video game.

enjoyed "Four Weddings and a Funeral" and "Moulin Rouge!" yesterday. i highly recommend either film. neither gets old, i do so enjoy both those movies.

spent 3 (three) hours with Doug "Douglas" McCormac last night. for those of you relatively new to my life, Doug is the pastor of the Dublin Seventh-Day Adventist church and I worked with and for him for a year when I was missionary back in 2000-2001. his mother-in-law lives five minutes down the street from me and so we get to see each other every two years or so.

it was grand catching up with him. a conversation with Doug is one that is never short of laughter, hubris, spite, melancholy, and just a bit of angst -- he is Irish, after all.

i'm as patriotic as the next man, but one really should try viewing America with the eyes of the world some time. it's a very different view. i noticed this when i lived overseas. America is so busy wearing a mask for American television, it doesn't realize it's showing its arse to the rest of the world. this is why America breeds ignorant patriotism. it's also very humorous to watch television and hear people claim to be thankful for the freedom they have, flip the channel and see a new news program instigating and fear. also, while i'm on this cynical political rant, what's so democratic about the electoral college? remind me again why i should vote.

oh well. back to work with me.

Part 2:

i know it's not called for. i know you're not sitting there, eagerly awaiting the next batch of pictures I decide to share with you. but here's a batch of pictures from a photo shoot i did well over a month ago already. i developed them by hand and took them Wolf Camera for the prints. there's nothing quite so satisfying as being able to go out, shoot a bunch of black and whites and developing them on your own. you feel so rustic, so traditional. there's an artistic awakening that comes within you, and inspiration begins flowing. if i ever get writer's block, i pick up a camera. solves it every time.

these aren't all of them, just the highlights.

From top to bottom: Brittney is an actress who is also a hair model i have worked with on several occasssions (most notably in "Nighthawks," when she played the part of Red). Rachel is my singer-songwriter cousin. Michelle is a new friend, who i was introduced to by Bri and Brittney. Kristi is an old friend who I met in Jersey who followed me here to Tennessee (and who I abuse in my video and photo shoots just because I can).

there's two more rolls that need to be developed, and they're pictures of Kelly. i'll share those when i get develop and scan them.

oh, look at the time. time for my massage.

wrote by ScottishFogg at 9:10 AM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 6 July 2005 1:54 PM EDT
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