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The Realm of Stuff
Thursday, 7 July 2005
Horror in the World
Mood:  hug me
Now Playing: Lazlo Bane & Colin Hay's "Overkill"
you've heard the news. four blasts have rocked London this morning. as i write this, two people have already been killed and dozens others have been wounded. pray for the wounded. pray for the families who have already lost loved ones. pray that horror of this world does not rob people of their hope or faith and that the Lord returns soon and puts an end to this sadness.


it's 11:50 am and CNN is reporting that at least thirty-three people are dead, with estimates being made that probably something closer to forty were slain "and scores wounded" in the attacks this morning.

a group calling themselves the "Secret Organization of al Qaeda Organization in Europe*" is claiming responsibility for the attack.

if i may be so blunt, what kind of f&cked-up deity do you serve that demands the slaying of innocent men, women, and children? i've read a lot about the Judeo-Christian god (which, incidentally, is the same god Muslims believe in) and He strikes me as someone who's interested in saving people from themselves, not killing them because they aren't following his guidelines. whatever happened to compassion, kindness, good-will, grace, forgiveness, and the ability to reach out to people and help them? while bombing someone might (supposedly) secure you a place in heaven, what about the people you're killing? doesn't your god want them there too? you're gonna be in for quite a shock come Judgment Day.

just, you know, FYI.

* Don't laugh. That's actually their name. But a quick tip for you's out there thinking about creating a fanatical religious cult with world domination (or destruction) on the to-do list, don't use the word "Secret" in your title and if you can't avoid using the artistically inept and uninspiring word "Organization," use it only once. Another tip would be smaller is usually better. I know for guys this is counter-intuitive, but let's say "The Angry Armadillos" attacked London today. That name would be on the tip of everyone's tongue instead of "um . . . some group that's linked with al Qaeda -- no, sorry, they're an organization. I remember that much." Just, you know, FYI.

wrote by ScottishFogg at 8:48 AM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 7 July 2005 12:05 PM EDT
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