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The Realm of Stuff
Tuesday, 12 July 2005
A Typical Morning for T Scott Fogg
Mood:  caffeinated
Now Playing: Colin Hay's "Waiting For My Real Life to Begin"

every night before i go to bed, i set my alarm. since i don't have an alarm clock, i use an old cell phone. depending on how courageous i'm feeling, i set it for 6:50 or 7:00 AM. this week i'm feeling courageous.

i stumble into the shower and pray that the water wakes me up. sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't. depends on how long it takes for the hot water to kick in.

by 7:15 i'm almost completely dressed (or just in my boxers) and i'm in the kitchen deciding whether or i should eat breakfast. if i eat breakfast, i can't stand to eat in silence, so i'll put something on. i don't have cable, so it's usually an episode of The Simpsons, but sometimes it's a movie. a couple of weeks ago, i was working my way through "The Pink Panther" movies and i'd take them in in 15-minute installments. this morning i opted out of breakfast as i realized the milk i've been drinking is eight days past its expiration date.

i get dressed, grab the ol' laptop, and head off to work. on days i don't eat breakfast, i make a pit stop at BP, a gas station i pass every morning. Krispy Kreme delivers doughnuts there and i'll pick two up (original glazed and raspberry filled).

at work by 8am. if i'm carrying doughnuts, i make a quick stop in the kitchen, where Rachel Davis (our on-staff massage therapist) has a fresh pot of coffee brewing. i like my coffee black and sip it as i ascend the tower to my office, where i sit back, check my e-mail, and devour my doughnuts as i caffeinate myself -- as i pray i won't have to talk to anyone before 10am, as the coffee takes its dear sweet time to kick in.

though today, i have to admit, it's only 8:33 and i'm feelin' as fine and frisky as Thumper twitterpated.

Kelly came over last night and i let her listen to the music i'm picking out for the wedding. to my relief and excitement, she really liked it all -- including the string quartet version of Bon Jovi's "Always."

oh yes. the Jove will be represented at our wedding.

wrote by ScottishFogg at 8:39 AM EDT
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