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The Realm of Stuff
Tuesday, 19 July 2005
Mood:  hungry
Now Playing: Crazy Town's "Come My Lady"

shindig at Shawnessey's went well, though not as well as we had hoped. the rain kept most the people away, but we still had upwards of forty people show up (about eighty to a hundred were expected). for those of you who aren't Collegedalians, shindig is Shawnessey Cargile's (aka Jim Smithers) response to the secular parties of the area. it's a time to come together and not worry about people getting drunk. we grill up some burgers and hot dogs (all vegetarian, of course), sit around, talk and laugh. live music is provided by Foster, Shawnessey, and whatever local artists can be secured. last night it was (Jason) Foster, Shawnessey, and a couple of their friends. fun was had by all -- though i had to cut out early.

"you know what i like about you?" Foster asked me as we hung up a tarp.

"no, actually." i responded truthfully.

"you always wear those sandals," he said, pointing to my Birkenstocks.

Birks forever, baby. Birks forever.

the Chattanooga Theatre Center is holding a script writing contest. winner gets $1000 and the play will be produced next May. i'm gonna go through my computer and see what i can rustle up, polish over, and submit.

oops, time for lunch! tootles!

wrote by ScottishFogg at 12:13 PM EDT
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Tuesday, 19 July 2005 - 3:50 PM EDT

Name: Alison

Please tell me you at least get a NEW pair of Birks every now and then. ;-) If Alison remembers the birks from back in the day, we're looking at circa 1998 at least. Ha ha!

Sounds like you had a fun party! I think 40 people is still a great success - especially for rain! You should post some pictures if you took any! I love pics in a blog. ;-) Take care!

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