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The Realm of Stuff
Wednesday, 3 August 2005
Fake Blood, Virgin Suicides, Rape, and Finding Neverland
Mood:  bright
Now Playing: Weezer's "Beverly Hills"

what a day, what a day.

i began shooting my as of yet untitled film that explores violence and silence (to quote "Stand" by Jewel, "so much violence ends in silence"). it's the most uncomfortable film i've ever shot, and i've only done two scenes. i look forward to its completed . . . ness. completedness? is that a word? it is now!

if you're going to join my cult, you have to pick up the dialect. Scottonics. completedness: the state, time or place in which something has been completed.

the first scene we shot was a rape. possibly a date rape, we're not taking the time to see what leads to the rape, simply that it happens. the point of the picture is if you've lived through something (good or bad) if you don't spread the word, the bad has no option but to happen again and the good has no option but to disappear.

if you have lived through something traumatic, you need to tell somebody. not only for your own good, but you might be able to prevent it happening again. education is the key, people.

the second scene we shot was a very, very bloody suicide. i know, i know, suicide is such a cliche. the first film i ever shot was a tale of suicide. but, did you know that . . .

Suicide is the eighth leading cause of death for
all U.S. men? Suicide rates are highest among
Whites and second highest among American Indian
and Native Alaskan men. Women report attempting
suicide during their lifetime about three times as
often as men. Suicide is the third leading cause
of death among young people ages 15 to 24. In
2001, 3,971 suicides were reported in this group.

the shoot went well, though my bathroom is still pink. a little bleach will fix that tonight, though, hopefully.

after the shoot i reported to the baseball diamond for a spirited game of softball. we skunked the other team and the game was called five innings in. i made the last run in (but don't let that fool you, i really suck).

after the game Kelly and i went back to my apartment and watched "Finding Neverland," which is absolutely the best film i've seen in a while. have i said that before? seems like i have, and recently, too.

but it was heart-warming, funny, imaginative, and tear-inducing. it's movies like this that i love and i hate. it's the kind of story that's been in the back of my mind for a while. i'll be trying to figure out the best way to tell it, figure it out, and someone beats me to the punch and does it better. i love films about artists and writers. i just get the biggest kick out of them (see also "Amadeus").

anyway. it's off to editing i go. see ya' in the funny papers.

wrote by ScottishFogg at 9:58 AM EDT
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Monday, 8 August 2005 - 10:11 PM EDT

Name: Loren Small
Home Page:

Ha! Suicide films are the best. All the greatest filmmakers started out doing suicide films.

And Finding Neverland rocked.

Best. Depp. Movie. About. Peter. Pan. Ever.

Thursday, 11 August 2005 - 12:04 PM EDT

Name: tn2/scottishfogg

yeah . . . suicide is no stranger to us, eh? oh, and you're absolutely right about Finding Neverland. people said it would be good, but i wasn't expecting it to be THAT good. i dunno, i'm just waiting for Depp to screw up and he isn't!

Monday, 15 August 2005 - 5:46 PM EDT

Name: Michelle

I would like to brag that I was the sucicide. It was fun to work with Scott on a film because I've only done photopraphs with him before. He's the best! : )

Wednesday, 17 August 2005 - 11:52 AM EDT

Name: ScottishFogg
Home Page:

and what a wonderful suicide you were, too. i also want to brag that you are absolutely the best model i've had for my photopraph shoots. ;)

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