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The Realm of Stuff
Tuesday, 9 August 2005
Too %#(%!$& Early . . .
Mood:  caffeinated
Now Playing: Danny Elfman's "Augustus Gloop" from his soundtrack to "Charlie and The Chocolate Factory"

my alarm went off at 6:00 this morning. i didn't know there was life at 6:00am. not a clue. but i had to be in to work by 7:00am to reshoot some stuff for this IVF DVD i'm working on. i'm capturing it right now and it looks pretty good, but that's by the grace of God. there's no way i shot good looking footage at seven in the morning. not when i went to bed at one in the morning because i was so wrapped up in reading "V For Vendetta" and beating "Resident Evil 4."

but on the bright side, i didn't watch a movie yesterday.

Kelly has built a website to record all the in's and out's of our wedding preparation. check it by clicking HERE! they grow up so fast . . . look at her, with her own blog now. it seems just like yesterday she was threatening my life because of my sexist comments . . .

for the record, i'm not sexist. i believe in equal opportunity for everyone.

seriously, every guy should have a girl. they're wonderful for keeping the apartment tidey, getting the wrinkles out of clothes, have supper ready for you when you get home . . .

i'm getting in touch with so many people thanks to MySpace! i've gotten in touch with five (six, once Marques gets back in touch with me!) former SPA-ers, it's crazy! the funniest thing is no-one recognizes me. "Holy cow, is this little Scott Fogg?"

i have never been called little before. i love you, Carmen.

i think i feel a collage coming on . . .

these cats went to San Pasqual with me. my, haven't they grown. we've all grown -- we haven't all grown up. ;)

peace, love, and chicken grease,
Lil' Scott

wrote by ScottishFogg at 10:51 AM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, 9 August 2005 7:43 PM EDT
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