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The Realm of Stuff
Friday, 19 August 2005
Waste of Human Flesh
Mood:  d'oh
Now Playing: Bon Jovi's "Nobody's Hero"

i enjoy days like yesterday. i completed all my work early and was able to sack out. but it's also days like yesterday that make me wonder about my time management.

i hate that phrase. it was repeated so many times when i was growing up that i almost cringe when i hear it now.

but days like yesterday make me feel like a waste of human.

why? because as soon as i completed my work for the day, i opted to watch some movies. four. i watched four movies yesterday.

first i watched "Waiting for Guffman," which is a fun movie, especially if you're a fan of Christopher Guest films. you either are you aren't. his movies tend to be exercises in improvisation, and this one was no different. i finished that, said, "gee whiz, i have some free time on my hands, let's pop in another movie!"

so i watched "Sin City." that's a movie i know people are going to watch, if for no other reason, for the cast and they're either gonna totally dig it or totally hate it. i knew what i was getting into because i own all the Sin City books. it's dark, twisted, and really far from redeemable, but i like it. it's like a deconstructionistic film noir flick about modern chivalry. that might be a stretch, but it's a fun yarn. Robert Rodriguez is my hero.

this is about the time when Marshall (my brother) came over. we usually play GameCube or Xbox when he comes over, but last night we decided to watch one of my latest Netflix arrivals, "The Addams Family." i hadn't seen it in thirteen years, and he had never seen it and we both enjoyed it immensely. it has very dark (read, "macabre") sense of humour, but is just about the most absurd and wacky thing to hit the screen since the Muppets. you can definitely see how this guy went on to direct "Men in Black."

after the movie was over, i took Marshall home. upon returning home, i realized i had another couple of hours before bedtime. i decided i needed to do some writing, so i busted out Final Draft and wrote a four-page monologue that had been rambling around in my head all day and celebrated this by watching the very mediocre "Human Traffic."

it could have been something great. i liked a lot of the ideas in it, but it simply tried too hard to be every other successful British film (Trainspotting, Lock, Stock . . . ) and ultimately second-guessed itself as a film and ended up just being a movie with a thumping techno soundtrack, marginally witty banter about the minutia of pop culture (with several not-so subtle Kevin Smith references -- including, but not limited to, a large "Clerks" poster), and some creative editing. i also had the nagging feeling throughout the film that they had "Americaned" it up, replacing British dialog and references for more acceptable American ones.

disappointed and realizing i had just spent the last eight hours watching movies, i retreated to my room, brushed my teeth, said my prayers, read the next chapter of "V for Vendetta" and went to sleep, wondering if this is the existence God created me for.

i'd like to think not.

wrote by ScottishFogg at 9:53 AM EDT
Updated: Friday, 19 August 2005 10:05 AM EDT
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