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The Realm of Stuff
Friday, 9 September 2005
The Times Are A-Changin'
Mood:  not sure
Now Playing: Chris Rice's "Go Light Your World"

life can be so bizarre.

for example, 48 hours ago, i had three jobs i really enjoyed. i worked for Ripple Productions as a writer/director/producer and as head of film development. i worked at the Fertility Center as the head of Media Services. i taught Intro to Photography at Spalding Elementary. today i have one job. i'm still a teacher.

Wednesday evening i was notified that, as much as it breaks Ripple's heart, it simply could not afford to continue to pay my salary. this did not come as much of a surprise, as our last play was in May and it didn't bring in much money. i've been wondering for quite some time how Ripple could continue to my exhorbent salary, but didn't question or complain. i was saddened but not surprised and i honestly felt like this was God saying, "you're growing complacent. I need you over here, doing this instead." so i was actually excited by this change.

Thursday morning, however, brought about a more unexpected change. i ran into my boss (who shall remain nameless) in the parking as we headed into work. he was like, "hey, heard about Ripple. bummer." i said, "yeah, speaking of which, i need to have a pow-wow with you about that." we agreed on a 10am pow-wow. i go into his office and ask if the FCOC would be interested in bringing me on full-time as now i have my afternoons free. he looked at me blankly, i kid you not, and said, "well, actually, the agreement we had with Ripple was should they ever let you go, for whatever reason, we would do the same." i'm shocked. i'm being let go from one job because a completely different job couldn't afford to pay me anymore. not only is this job not interested in bringing me in full-time, they're not interested in keeping me on part-time. for, the only reason they gave me was, "'cos Ripple is letting you go." he then had the gall to say, "and you're getting married in three months. bummer man, bummer. i'll be praying for you."

this only confirms my life-long belief that you should not work for a Christian, as they opt to be concerned about your eternal well-being in lieu of treating you professionally. that's just been my experience.

as "bummed" as i am, i'm actually excited by what this means. due to the subject of my termination, i feel like this is God just moving me where He needs me, as opposed to actually being fired. i haven't been fired. i've just been hired by people who would like for me to continue doing my job for no money.

so. if you'd ever like to do anything, i have some free time on my hands.

wrote by ScottishFogg at 10:08 AM EDT
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Friday, 9 September 2005 - 2:33 PM EDT

Name: Amanda
Home Page: http://irrelevant

Scott, I am so sorry for this recent turn of events, even though you seem optimistic about it. That truly bites, and the worst part is his lack of true care for you. I know what you mean about working for Christians, except.. I dont know. I think that maybe if they are true Christians you won't get completely screwed over. My boss is a great Christian man, and I know he truly has all of the employees best interests at heart, and not just a bottom line (even though I don't make any great sum of money, to say the least). I know that God has just the right thing in mind for you, hang in there.

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