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The Realm of Stuff
Monday, 31 October 2005
Mood:  bright
Now Playing: ES Posthumus' "Antissa"

i don't even know what day this of (of my unemployment). i've lost count and i don't really care to take the time to add up the days, hours, and minutes since i last did an honest day's work -- though, now that i think about it, it was just last Friday, as i've become a substitute teacher for Spalding Elementary and Collegedale Academy. i spent the morning with a bunch of wild and crazy 5th graders, which is actually a lot more fun than my sarcastically cynical tone makes it sound.

Friday evening and all day saturday was a blast, though. Kelly, Alexa, Amos, Rachel, Andy, Rob and i went camping up at the Ocoee (yes, the place where they filmed "Deliverance"). we rattled our way up there and about 36 hours of weiner and Spam jokes later, we returned to civilization.

Sunday was spent with Loren who came down and visited us from Nashville. we spent a good five hours together. the only time the air wasn't filled with our bristling conversation was when our mouths were full of Italian food.

i ducked out of a job interview at Walden Security this morning when i realized they wanted to pay me $5.15 an hour for part time work that would vary in time and location in such a way that it would prevent me from having a second part time job. but no worries there, as i have an interview at Olive Garden tomorrow and Sprint on Thursday.

for those of you living your life under a rock, the television show Lost, while being highly addictive, is better than 9/10 of the movies being made today and is well worth your time. go rent the DVD's today. i promise you won't be disappointed.

Favorite Simpsons Moment #608

Homer: Do you want to change your name to Homer Junior? The kids could call you "Hoju."

wrote by ScottishFogg at 6:35 PM EST
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