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The Realm of Stuff
Tuesday, 1 November 2005
God is Goooooood
Mood:  special
Now Playing: a string quartet version of Bon Jovi's "Always"

just when you start to doubt God, just when you think "life sucks then you die," the clouds part and you see a new brick in the road that He has chosen for you.

despite not having a job, despite a fairly uncertain future, Kelly and i have chosen to press on with the wedding. we take a stand and decide to let God be the lord of our lives and we take this really, really big step of faith and . . .

i have three job interviews. three.

Olive Garden wants me to be a server. Sprint wants me for whatever it is they do, and a local talent agency, Agentia, called me today and wants to bring me on board (not as a talent but as worker within the company). BOO-YAH!

it's just oh-so-very gratifying and exciting to see that you were right to trust in the Lord.

wrote by ScottishFogg at 8:51 PM EST
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Wednesday, 2 November 2005 - 2:38 PM EST

Good for you buddy. Good for you.

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