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The Realm of Stuff
Thursday, 3 November 2005
Shootin' Pictures and Makin' Collages
Mood:  bright
Now Playing: Gemma Hayes' "Lay Lady Lay"

life has returned to its originally planned, normal course. how normal has life become for me? last night i was on a photo shoot with two of the hottest under age chicks i know and today i made a collage which i am now sharing with you! how's THAT for normalcy?

wedding invitations are going out!! it's crazy, we've passed the two-month mark and the big day just keeps getting closer and closer. i'm wicked psyched (take that as either a shout-out to my Bostonian fans or as evidence of my stubborn refusal to leave the 80's).

peace, love, and chicken grease. i have to get back to scanning pictures.

PS - if you haven't received your invitation yet, it's only because we don't like you.

wrote by ScottishFogg at 7:26 PM EST
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Monday, 21 November 2005 - 4:47 PM EST

Name: Elle

haha a hot underage chick eh? now not only that, im gonna be a cartoon! scott how do you do it? last year i was just a girl and now im gonna be *drumroll please* FAMOUS!!!!!! oh yeah i love the way you put that picture of me smiling like a freak in your collage.... thats just great. : ) thanks for everything *that wasnt sarcastic just incase you were wondering*

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