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The Realm of Stuff
Friday, 23 December 2005
Mexican Men Love Me!
Mood:  happy
Now Playing: Sweet's "Love is Like Oxygen"

before i say anything else, i have to update you. it's my duty as the groom.


absolutely nothing went wrong. nothing. well, except Dr Womack knocked over a candelabra during the rehearsal, but that's nothing. see? nothing went wrong. it was glorious. Kelly was so beautiful. i was so handsome. the brides' maids were delicious. the grooms' men were yummy (or so i was told). Rachel sang, Shawnessey sang, Litch married us, Womack fasted our hands, Tony took our pictures, our mothers cried, our fathers cried, our relatives cried, our friends cried, Kelly cried and . . . i think i was the only one that didn't cry. ;) the reception was off the hook -- it was so off the hook, Santa Claus himself showed up! how more unhooked from the wall can you be?! Brian and Jeff videoed (though i haven't seen the tapes yet, i know they're quality, i mean geez, we were giving them so much good stuff to work with!).

we spent the night in the Sheraton Reed House in downtown Chattanooga. we had room service from Porter's Steak House, had a jacuzzi about ten feet from the bed and had a wonderful view of Aladdin's (think Kinko's knock-off).

simply put, the day was amazing.

but on to the Mexicans! okay, so as some of you may know, on Kelly's and my first date, i had a truck full of Mexican men making eyes with me and just about winking at me. well, yesterday, two Hispanic men ate the Olive Garden, ran up at 41$ check, and left me a 16$ tip! in the words of Inspector Gadget, "Wowzers."

so, apparently the Mexican community loves me and i just have to say, i love the Mexican community. i would like to take this time to thank Hispanics everywhere for Salma Hayek, tacos, burritos, nachos, Antonio Banderas, chimichangas, Robert Rodriguez, salsa and Juan Valdez. the world is better off because of you Mexico, which is more than Canada can say.

editor's note: Scott is only vaguely aware than Antonio Banderas and Juan Valdez aren't from Mexico. furthermore, Scott is only vaguely aware of the existence of Canada.

wrote by ScottishFogg at 1:25 PM EST
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Saturday, 24 December 2005 - 4:47 PM EST

i didn't cry.

Wednesday, 28 December 2005 - 12:49 AM EST

Name: Henry

What's Canada? :D

I wish i could have been there for the wedding! :) Where can i see pics?

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