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The Realm of Stuff
Monday, 6 June 2005
Ode to A Maple Leaf
Mood:  chatty
Now Playing: Alan Silvestri's "Forrest Gump Suite"
thanks to this blog and WAYN, I have just reconnected with a blast from my past.

her name is Amy Lambros. she is from Canada -- Windsor, actually. and we met in Bedford, Kentucky, at a little place we liked to call "the compound". it was here (or there) that we were trained to become good, proper missionaries. i headed off to Dublin, Ireland and she headed off to Seoul, Korea. but for that insanely intense month, we (along with Dannon, Nathia, and Eugene) were thick as thieves. when we weren't forced into manual labour, we were avoiding manual labour -- which would result in a lecture on responsiblity, a water fight, a lecture the evils of "the bridge," me being pulled into the pastor's office and asked to play mediator or a combination of any two of these.

it was quite possibly the most stressful time of my life, and yet it also holds what i consider some of the most fun times i've ever had. it was all we could do to survive.

that's Amy on the left, me shocked in the middle, and Nathia on the right. it's okay to be jealous. you're not me.

and it's good to be me.

wrote by ScottishFogg at 3:27 PM EDT
Updated: Monday, 6 June 2005 4:39 PM EDT
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This Message Brought to You By the Letters A, B, H and The Number 6
Mood:  energetic
Now Playing: dc Talk's "Jesus Freak"
i just have to throw a shout-out to Amanda Herod, after hearing i have a blog, let me know she's had one since November of '04.

you can go check it out here.

for those of you new to my life, Amanda is one of my "good-best" friends from academy ("high school" in layman's terms). we graduated together in 1999 from Collegedale Academy and have been in and out of each other's lives since. we share an overt fondness for all things Celtic, Christ, art, and general laughter (not to be confused with laughing Celtic Christ art).

she graduated from Southern Adventist University with an education degree and now works at the Collegedale Credit Union (where she still dreams of the high-paying, high-profile, highly-respected job in the field of education that she sought in school). i graduated from Southern Adventist University with a degree in Visual Art & Design With an Emphasis in Film and work at the Fertility Center of Chattanooga.

for those of you still in school, note the pattern. for those of you freshly graduated from college, let us all collectively laugh at those still in school pursuing their "dreams."

sorry. i have a cruel streak a parsec long.

and i'm a recovering Star Wars-aholic.

wrote by ScottishFogg at 9:37 AM EDT
Updated: Monday, 6 June 2005 10:09 AM EDT
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My First Night in the Apartment
Mood:  bright
Now Playing: Salma Hayek's "Siente Mi Amor"
finished the big move -- mostly. there's still a few things that need to make the move over into the apartment, but i have everything i need to live off of (TV, DVD's, XBox, clothes).

the air conditioner is being very reluctant to cool down the place, so last night i slept naked under the fan in the living room, as it was 84 degrees when i went to bed and 80 when i woke up this morning for work. i don't know if it got cooler sometime during the night, but i didn't get cold.

time to dive head-long into preproduction. we've decided to tackle the ten commandments. we're going to do one short film for each of the commandments, sending each one out to film festivals. then, maybe when they're all done, we'll slap them on a DVD. we'll see. i have two written that i'm very fond of (commandments 1 & 7) and a couple i'm not so fond of. but it's time to get started -- at least on the two we have.

Ripple Productions has recently purchased an eight-foot jib and a Panasonic DVX (and it only took me a year of whining!).

the first one we'll begin is the First Commandment, one i've entitled "Respect." it's the story of an eager young gymnast who is trying to complete her floor routine, but there's a particular move at the climax of her piece that she simply can't pull off, but her stubbornness and her pride won't let her listen to her coach and find out how to fix the problem. i had approached Ruthie Gulley about the part, but she informed me she's not a tumbler, so she put me in touch with a fellow gymnast named Morgan, who's going to be absolultely brilliant. we're going to be getting together and figuring out what her character's routine is. i'll video it, then Brian Young (my faithful DP) and i will figure out how we're going to shoot it, and then we'll shoot it. it should be a pretty straight-forward shoot. the only thing i'm worried about is Morgan having to do the stunts over and over and over and over again . . . especially the part where she has to fall over and over and over again. we just have to be careful.

-whew!- long blog!

peace out homies, i gotta get some work done.

wrote by ScottishFogg at 8:50 AM EDT
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Sunday, 5 June 2005
Moving Day!
Mood:  celebratory
Now Playing: Divynls' "I Touch Myself"
i have a new apartment!

it's my first apartment, though not my first time living outside the house. i spent a year in Ireland and four years away at college ("away" being 5 minutes down the road, but in the dorm nonetheless).

it's blistering outside. sometimes i despise Tenessee weather. today is one of those days. one of those hot, humid, relentless days that begs you to go swimming but instead you find yourself doing heavy manual labour.

i shaved my head Friday night and the ladies in my life are not impressed, despite how much i feel better about myself. it's not like i'm a skinhead. i have peach fuzz. but it's all good.

i recalled one of my scripts today. i had sent it to two of my favorite actors (Corey Newmyer and Michael Ennis) but the more i read it, the more i disliked it. it was too preachy. it was practically a three-page monologue. no thanks. i have a new (and hopefully) better idea on how to tackle the subject at hand.

anyway. need to get back to work. have a few last things to move, a dryer to hook up, and a landlord to bribe into fixing my air conditioner (a must for yankees trapped below the Mason-Dixon Line).

wrote by ScottishFogg at 6:35 PM EDT
Updated: Sunday, 5 June 2005 6:40 PM EDT
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Friday, 3 June 2005
Death to Mornings!
Mood:  caffeinated
Now Playing: Morissey's "Irish Blood, English Heart"
mornings should not come before 10am. i'm no good to anyone before 11, so why my boss insists i arrive at work at 8am is beyond me. if i didn't think i was missing something, it would do me a lot of good to work from 1pm to 9pm. i'd be alert, awake, and just hitting my stride as i got off work. oh well. at least i can listen to music. otherwise, there would be NO WAY these bleary eyes of mine would stay open.

this is why the Lord created Starbucks.

wrote by ScottishFogg at 8:19 AM EDT
Updated: Friday, 3 June 2005 8:23 AM EDT
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Thursday, 2 June 2005
Mood:  not sure
Now Playing: Aerosmith's "Dream On"
just finished watching Alfie. absolutely fantastic character study. the movie is quite brilliant, despite what critics might say. it's compared (understandably) to the original of which it is a remake.

but remake isn't the right word for what it truly is: an update. the biggest gripe (from what i hear) is the conclusion. for those of you behind on your Jude Law movie marathons, i won't spoil it, all i will say is there is an honesty in the final words spoken that aren't found in the original. in the original, there is a feigned strength. my reaction to this is, when the original was made (in 1966, for those wondering) there was a social honesty that men were expected not to have. the feigned strength and invincibility because admitted weakness was exactly that.

i see the two Alfies as two time capsules: one a brilliant commentary on the late (and swinging) 60's, the other, the early mellinium.

if sexuality doesn't offend you, then you should enjoy what i found to be a cinematic treat (so much so i had to own it).

wrote by ScottishFogg at 10:24 PM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 2 June 2005 10:33 PM EDT
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J-Fest 2005 (my very first blog)
Mood:  a-ok
Now Playing: Bruce Springsteen's "Devils and Dust"
my first blog. ever.

well, not counting my blog-stalking of Zach Braff.

i should make this a blog for the history books. one that people will remember as "The Very First Blog of T Scott Fogg."

Corey Newmyer's new nickname is "Bucky." he hates it. help me make it stick.

we (Ripple) are gearing up for J-Fest. i've spent all day editing promotional material for our booth. everyone else is down at Camp Jordan, setting up the lights. Rachel Komorowski (my favorite-est cousin) and her band (among others, Bucky the Bass Player) are coming into the Fertility Center in about 20 minutes to practice their songs.

if you happen to be at J-Fest, make sure to catch her. if you haven't ever heard her sing, oh my goodness, you have no idea what you're missing. she is amazing. she'll have a couple of songs Friday night, Saturday, and one right before Casting Crowns takes the stage ("Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus," if I'm not mistaken).

i wish i had something else to report, this being my first blog and all. but don't you worry. i'm beginning pre-production on some short films, and there will be PLENTY to report, i'm sure.

stay sane or fake it,

wrote by ScottishFogg at 5:42 PM EDT
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