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The Realm of Stuff
Wednesday, 13 July 2005
The Girl I'm Gonna Marry
Mood:  chatty
Now Playing: Robbie Williams' "Strong"
found this picture and knew i had to share it with the world. this is the girl i'm gonna marry.

(eighteen years ago)

geez, i'm not that creepy.

wrote by ScottishFogg at 2:15 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 13 July 2005 2:24 PM EDT
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A Girl Interrupted a Requiem for a Trainspotting Prozac Nation
Mood:  incredulous
Now Playing: REM's "Everybody Hurts"

i watched "Prozac Nation" last night, but that's hardly worth mentioning. i know it was based on a best-selling book, but the movie . . . i'm not sure how to describe it. i never cared for the characters and i think there's a couple of casting decisions were made on name status alone, not actual acting ability or believability (Jessica Lange playing a woman who gave birth to a college-aged Christina Ricci when she was a teenager, for example). the script needed another draft or two before it could get to the level of tragedy i think it was trying to ascertain. if you're looking for an effective, affecting movie about someone and their drug addiction, go watch "Trainspotting," which is excellent and has nothing to do with actually spotting trains. or, if you feel like you have energy to spare and don't mind having the life drained out of you by the most heart-breaking, gut-wrenching, nightmare-inducing film ever produced, go cuddle up to "Requiem for a Dream" with a big bowl of popcorn. or if it's about a girl battling her inner demons and depression, go watch "Girl, Interrupted."

and that above paragraph is what scares me the most about trying to break into the film industry. every time you think you have a decent idea, there's at least three or four other films that have already done it and done it better. it's that fear that me to be better with every script that i write.

wrote by ScottishFogg at 12:01 PM EDT
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Tuesday, 12 July 2005
A Typical Morning for T Scott Fogg
Mood:  caffeinated
Now Playing: Colin Hay's "Waiting For My Real Life to Begin"

every night before i go to bed, i set my alarm. since i don't have an alarm clock, i use an old cell phone. depending on how courageous i'm feeling, i set it for 6:50 or 7:00 AM. this week i'm feeling courageous.

i stumble into the shower and pray that the water wakes me up. sometimes it does, sometimes it doesn't. depends on how long it takes for the hot water to kick in.

by 7:15 i'm almost completely dressed (or just in my boxers) and i'm in the kitchen deciding whether or i should eat breakfast. if i eat breakfast, i can't stand to eat in silence, so i'll put something on. i don't have cable, so it's usually an episode of The Simpsons, but sometimes it's a movie. a couple of weeks ago, i was working my way through "The Pink Panther" movies and i'd take them in in 15-minute installments. this morning i opted out of breakfast as i realized the milk i've been drinking is eight days past its expiration date.

i get dressed, grab the ol' laptop, and head off to work. on days i don't eat breakfast, i make a pit stop at BP, a gas station i pass every morning. Krispy Kreme delivers doughnuts there and i'll pick two up (original glazed and raspberry filled).

at work by 8am. if i'm carrying doughnuts, i make a quick stop in the kitchen, where Rachel Davis (our on-staff massage therapist) has a fresh pot of coffee brewing. i like my coffee black and sip it as i ascend the tower to my office, where i sit back, check my e-mail, and devour my doughnuts as i caffeinate myself -- as i pray i won't have to talk to anyone before 10am, as the coffee takes its dear sweet time to kick in.

though today, i have to admit, it's only 8:33 and i'm feelin' as fine and frisky as Thumper twitterpated.

Kelly came over last night and i let her listen to the music i'm picking out for the wedding. to my relief and excitement, she really liked it all -- including the string quartet version of Bon Jovi's "Always."

oh yes. the Jove will be represented at our wedding.

wrote by ScottishFogg at 8:39 AM EDT
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Monday, 11 July 2005
No Noose is Good Noose
Mood:  suave
Now Playing: Howard Shore's "The Riders of Rohan," from his score for "The Two Towers"

okay, "The Fantastic Four" is simply a fun movie. don't concern yourself with the critics, just go and have a good time. i did. i went in with some fears but found they were ungrounded. it's not the best superhero movie, nor is it perfect, but damn if it isn't one of the most fun. good laughs, good thrills, good action.

in other movie news, "Vanity Fair" has no redeeming qualities. okay, it's well acted, the costumes are amazing, the locations are breath-taking, and the cinematography is top-notch. but the film just meanders from one boring scene to another. the all-star cast is wasted on a senseless script that makes me despise Thackeray. it's seldom i have such a vehement reaction to a film, but the world must be warned. "Vanity Fair" is an unjust test of your sanity.

i attended Hollie Cook's wedding yesterday (Sunday). that makes three weddings in four weeks. counting my taking in of "Four Weddings and a Funeral," that's seven weddings and a funeral in four weeks. wow. sorry, random tangent. it was a nice wedding and it was cool seeing old friends from Jersey whom i haven't seen since 7th grade.

an interesting point was brought up in concern of one of my last blogs. i mentioned many of us worship the same god, whether ye be Islamic, Muslim, Jewish, or Christian and Amanda disagreed. and i just want to comment on that because it's something i've wondered about and thought on many times:

we Christians all believe in the same Father, Son and Holy Ghost, but the Catholic view of God, someone who needs to be convinced by the saints to help us, is not the same God we Protestants worship, a God who is eager to help. and that's just within Christianity. do we worship the same God, and what does He do when i pray to Him and a Catholic prays to a dead guy (St Peter, we'll say), hoping that dead guy will talk to God on their behalf? technically, we're worshiping the same God. spiritually and characteristically, not at all. i dunno. it kind of saddens me that so many of us can trace our beliefs back to the Bible, but everyone has gone separate directions since then.

pray for me. i may have a career change looming in front of me. pray that i go where i need to and it is my belief that only God knows where i need to be.

wrote by ScottishFogg at 9:02 AM EDT
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Friday, 8 July 2005
The Four Incredible Fantastics
Mood:  hungry
Now Playing: Everything's "Hooch"

the reviews are rolling in and it looks like "The Fantastic Four" may be the biggest superhero dud since "Batman & Robin." i'm going to see it this afternoon, after lunch with Mom and Dad. part of me has to wonder how much the critics are being swayed by "The Incredibles" or if this is just going to be a bad film.

i really dug "The Incredibles," as it worked on a plethora of levels: it was commentary on the modern family, it was about a man and his mid-life crisis, it was a beautiful homage to almost every other superhero, it was funny, it was a great action flick, the list could go on and on. but i do have a gripe. and it's a big one:

if you're going to make an original movie about superheroes, shouldn't you create your own superheroes?

even the newest of newbies to comicdom notice the more than coincidental likeness to the Fantastic Four: strong guy, check. stretchy person, check. girl who can turn herself invisible and also create force fields to protect herself and those she wishes to save, check. person who can turn themself on fire, check.

i know, i know. what super power hasn't been used? is it at all possible to even create a new superhero? as i sit here and try to figure out how i would tell a superhero family story, the only thing i can come up with is: whatever i do, it can't be the F4.

because those of us who read the comics know that the Fantastic Four has always been about family. it's always been about team work. it's always been about being genetic freaks who, depending on the day, are loved or hated by the populace -- which is why Stan Lee, the creator of all things Marvel, watched the Incredibles and said, "I liked it. But then again, I've never created a superhero I didn't like. And it was like watching something I wrote."

couldn't the Incredibles come up with some different powers? couldn't the creators have, at least, created a team with different powers than the Fantastic Four? i know, the powers of the Incredibles mirror their personality, but even still, this is too close for comfort. even the name is similar! who's the leader of the Incredibles? Mister Incredible. the leader of the Fantastic Four? Mister Fantastic.

it's enough to make Mister Hyperbole* sick.

but in other news, i have no life. i watched "Singles" and "The Talented Mister Ripley" last night. i enjoyed them. i'd give them each 4/5 stars. Cameron Crowe wrote and directed "Singles," and i love his work. this isn't his best ("Almost Famous") but far from his worst ("Vanilla Sky") -- though if you're worst film is "Vanilla Sky," which is actually a really interesting film, i think you're doing alright for yourself. better than alright. i didn't know if i was going to like "The Talented Mister Ripley." it was directed by Anthony Minghella, who's other big films "The English Patient" and "Cold Mountain" either bored or offended me. but it was actually really good. Matt Damon creates a sociopath that you never root for, but you feel sorry for -- in a very slight, subtle way, his performance reminded me of Anthony Hopkins' in "The Silence of the Lambs."

one hour and fifty-six minutes till freedom. see ya' on Monday!

* not a real superhero, but he might as well be. i think i'll create a superhero family called "The Hyperboles," and they'll fight their arch nemesis, "Raging Adjective."

wrote by ScottishFogg at 10:02 AM EDT
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Thursday, 7 July 2005
Horror in the World
Mood:  hug me
Now Playing: Lazlo Bane & Colin Hay's "Overkill"
you've heard the news. four blasts have rocked London this morning. as i write this, two people have already been killed and dozens others have been wounded. pray for the wounded. pray for the families who have already lost loved ones. pray that horror of this world does not rob people of their hope or faith and that the Lord returns soon and puts an end to this sadness.


it's 11:50 am and CNN is reporting that at least thirty-three people are dead, with estimates being made that probably something closer to forty were slain "and scores wounded" in the attacks this morning.

a group calling themselves the "Secret Organization of al Qaeda Organization in Europe*" is claiming responsibility for the attack.

if i may be so blunt, what kind of f&cked-up deity do you serve that demands the slaying of innocent men, women, and children? i've read a lot about the Judeo-Christian god (which, incidentally, is the same god Muslims believe in) and He strikes me as someone who's interested in saving people from themselves, not killing them because they aren't following his guidelines. whatever happened to compassion, kindness, good-will, grace, forgiveness, and the ability to reach out to people and help them? while bombing someone might (supposedly) secure you a place in heaven, what about the people you're killing? doesn't your god want them there too? you're gonna be in for quite a shock come Judgment Day.

just, you know, FYI.

* Don't laugh. That's actually their name. But a quick tip for you's out there thinking about creating a fanatical religious cult with world domination (or destruction) on the to-do list, don't use the word "Secret" in your title and if you can't avoid using the artistically inept and uninspiring word "Organization," use it only once. Another tip would be smaller is usually better. I know for guys this is counter-intuitive, but let's say "The Angry Armadillos" attacked London today. That name would be on the tip of everyone's tongue instead of "um . . . some group that's linked with al Qaeda -- no, sorry, they're an organization. I remember that much." Just, you know, FYI.

wrote by ScottishFogg at 8:48 AM EDT
Updated: Thursday, 7 July 2005 12:05 PM EDT
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Wednesday, 6 July 2005
Oops . . . At Least I Won't Do It Again
Mood:  accident prone
Now Playing: Part 1: Frou Frou's cover of "Holding Out For a Hero" Part 2: Bonnie Tyler's "Holding Out For a Hero"

Part 1

woke up this morning at 6:50 when my alarm went off. woke up again at 7:44, realizing i had promptly fallen back to sleep after my alarm went off. i walked into work at 8:05. damn i'm good.

beat Max Payne. great game. very mature. very story and character-driven. it was the first game that i've played that rightfully earned it's "M" rating. most "M" rated games are there just because of needless gore or language. but everything within this game made sense, it was like watching and controlling a great New York cop movie. GREAT ending, GREAT final level (glad to see someone hasn't lost the touch). i'm now in the middle of 007: Everything or Nothing, which is admittedly an inferior game, but you have to give props to them actually assembling a cast for the game: Pierce Brosnan, Willem Dafoe, Shannon Elizabeth, Heidi Klum, Mya, John Cleese and of course Dame Judi Dench. the production value is unlike any game i've played before. but the game isn't without its flaws. oh well. it's just a video game.

enjoyed "Four Weddings and a Funeral" and "Moulin Rouge!" yesterday. i highly recommend either film. neither gets old, i do so enjoy both those movies.

spent 3 (three) hours with Doug "Douglas" McCormac last night. for those of you relatively new to my life, Doug is the pastor of the Dublin Seventh-Day Adventist church and I worked with and for him for a year when I was missionary back in 2000-2001. his mother-in-law lives five minutes down the street from me and so we get to see each other every two years or so.

it was grand catching up with him. a conversation with Doug is one that is never short of laughter, hubris, spite, melancholy, and just a bit of angst -- he is Irish, after all.

i'm as patriotic as the next man, but one really should try viewing America with the eyes of the world some time. it's a very different view. i noticed this when i lived overseas. America is so busy wearing a mask for American television, it doesn't realize it's showing its arse to the rest of the world. this is why America breeds ignorant patriotism. it's also very humorous to watch television and hear people claim to be thankful for the freedom they have, flip the channel and see a new news program instigating and fear. also, while i'm on this cynical political rant, what's so democratic about the electoral college? remind me again why i should vote.

oh well. back to work with me.

Part 2:

i know it's not called for. i know you're not sitting there, eagerly awaiting the next batch of pictures I decide to share with you. but here's a batch of pictures from a photo shoot i did well over a month ago already. i developed them by hand and took them Wolf Camera for the prints. there's nothing quite so satisfying as being able to go out, shoot a bunch of black and whites and developing them on your own. you feel so rustic, so traditional. there's an artistic awakening that comes within you, and inspiration begins flowing. if i ever get writer's block, i pick up a camera. solves it every time.

these aren't all of them, just the highlights.

From top to bottom: Brittney is an actress who is also a hair model i have worked with on several occasssions (most notably in "Nighthawks," when she played the part of Red). Rachel is my singer-songwriter cousin. Michelle is a new friend, who i was introduced to by Bri and Brittney. Kristi is an old friend who I met in Jersey who followed me here to Tennessee (and who I abuse in my video and photo shoots just because I can).

there's two more rolls that need to be developed, and they're pictures of Kelly. i'll share those when i get develop and scan them.

oh, look at the time. time for my massage.

wrote by ScottishFogg at 9:10 AM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 6 July 2005 1:54 PM EDT
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Tuesday, 5 July 2005
My New Organic Desk
Mood:  a-ok
Now Playing: Billy Joel's "An Innocent Man"
watched "Primal Fear," "Little Voice," and "Benny & Joon." all excellent movies. each in their own right. very different films, but i thoroughly enjoyed each. if you're a fan of Ed "Fight Club" Norton, check out his first acting gig in "Primal Fear." can't get enough of Ewan MacGregor, Michael Caine and/or British comedies that revolve around music? "Little Voice" is for you. ever hear of Johnny Depp? go watch "Benny & Joon" and marvel at his Buster Keaton-esque moves.

went and saw "War of the Worlds" on Saturday night. excellent flick. Spielberg is still the king. wow. i was on the edge of my seat the entire time, despite having read the book numerous times growing up. perfectly realized. if you haven't seen it, go see it!

my boss/supervisor Rob Howell recently had to take his laptop into the shop so he's moved into my office and taken over my desk, installing programs he insists i need but have never used nor felt the need for. as such, i'm forced to lean against the wall and do what work i can on my laptop, which is in my lap (my new organic desk).

i'm a little put-out over Independence Day. Chattanooga celebrates it on July 3rd (do they know something i don't?). thus making July 4th just an odd day off from work for mowing the lawn. if we had it my way, we'd celebrate Independence Day on October 19 (when, in 1781, the British surrendered, thus securing our independence -- because, really, if we lost the war, July 4th would hold no relevance). but i'm okay with July 4th as long as we do it up right. but now we shoot of the firework on the 3rd?! WHAT IN THE WORLD?!

oh well. when i take over the world, that'll be the first thing to see change -- actually, it'll be the second. i have to get my face on the dollar bill.

wrote by ScottishFogg at 9:07 AM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, 5 July 2005 3:17 PM EDT
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Friday, 1 July 2005
A Message for Henry Vrolijk
Mood:  energetic
Now Playing: John Williams' "Battle of the Heroes" from his score to "Episode III"
yes, you have reached T Scott Fogg of San Pasqual Academy's blog. yes, you are welcome here. yes, all your base are belong to us.

for those of you who aren't Vrolijk, well i can't really help that. you should have been. you really missed out. but on to relevant!

beat Medal of Honor: Rising Sun last night. it's the third game in a row i've beaten, not realizing i was on the last level and being a little disappointed in the ending (the others being Halo 2 and Enter the Matrix). i've had the games since their release dates but haven't had time to play them till recently (how sad is that?!). anyway. Halo 2 had a great cinematic ending, but even that felt like an in-between levels movie. i didn't realize i had beaten the game until the credits were rolling. same with MOH last night. oh well. it's not like i'm going to boycott the next installment in these beloved franchises. i'll own all of 'em. next up on the Xbox? Max Payne. never played and found it used for 5$.

but if you're a computer game programmer and you're reading this, PLEASE, let's go back a decade or so when you played a video game and you were on the last level, you knew it. the level/mission/dungeon/castle would start off with a sense of impending doom. there was a gravity to it. if you can't remember this far back, go play Chrono Trigger as a refresher course.

i digress.

meeting with Stephen Lamb for lunch today to discuss the film's score. watched it a couple of times last night and there's some editing i need to do still. need to tighten it up a bit. there's a few beats that could be stronger. overall, i'm very pleased with the product (as it stands). i only hope that it serves it purpose, which is to ask people the question, not give them the answer.

the question?
"The First Commandment says 'I am the Lord thy God. You will have no other gods before Me.' What does that mean to you? Does it apply today? Was that a rule created by the Hebrew god to weed out the Israelites' gods they had brought from Egypt? Why is this a Commandment?"

i'm just not sure that line of reasoning is there. the film may be a little too subtle. oh well. let's see if Stephen can save it with his score!

wrote by ScottishFogg at 8:54 AM EDT
Updated: Friday, 1 July 2005 1:25 PM EDT
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Thursday, 30 June 2005
Ode to the Taco Bell Girl
Mood:  energetic
Now Playing: Alan Silvestri's "Back to the Future III" score

we wrapped on "Respect" last night. LOL. that's a sentence that you can write and more clearly express what you're saying than by actually saying it. if i told someone we wrapped last night, they would probably think we rapped last night. ah, phonetics, comedy gold!

but confusing phonetics aside, the shoot went amazingly. i think we accomplished more shots last night than we ever have (not combined, mind you). we were a well-oiled machine that set up, shot, tore down, set up, shot, tore down. i gotta tip my hat to Morgan who did her routine ad nauseum so i could get the shots i wanted. thankfully, it was not hard (at all) to make her look good. she's a very talented gymnast.

all the footage is capturing right now. i began editing yesterday, as we filmed the beginning and the end the night before and it's gonna turn out good. after i edit it, i'll pass off the video to Stephen Lamb, who's onboard to compose a score for it. i love this stuff. i might complain about it, but nothing feels so completing as to work on a film.

but that actually wasn't the highlight of my day. yesterday, between work and the shoot, i was STARVING. starving and running late. i didn't have time to run home and make supper, so i swung by Taco Bell's drive thru. i ordered two bean burritos, nachos, and a medium Dr Pepper and pulled up to the window.

"Four thirty-three," said the window clerk.

I checked my wallet. I only had two ones, a five dollar coupon to Media Play, and a two dollar and one cent voucher for McKay's. I handed her my debit card. She handed me my Dr Pepper.

She leaned back out the window and handed me my food. But not my debit card. She disappeared back through her window and didn't return for a moment. When the windows opened again, she leaned out, holding my card.

"Your card has been declined. I think its our machine, it's been doing this to people today. Do you have another card or any money?"

My stomach growled and my heart plummeted. "I only have two dollars."

She glanced over her shoulder. "Gimme the two dollars."

"What?" I gasped. "Are you sure?"

"My manager's in the back." She whispered. "Don't tell anyone."

I handed over my two dollars and lock eyes with her. "You're amazing."

She smiled and winked. "Get outta here before you get me fired."

Which I did.

now mind you, this is a total stranger. i'm sure some of you are chalking this up to my dashing good looks, winning personality, or my oh-so-witty comedic humour, but i know the truth. i'm a balding shmoe she doesn't know from Adam -- or atom. not really sure what that phrase is, only know what it means.

as i drove off, i prayed that God would return the favour she bestowed on me. i prayed that He would bless her. there's not enough good people in the world. people who are willing to help out poor film graduates. i know a lot of people would have just smiled at me and thrown the food away. but not her. she took what i had and gave me what i needed.

thank-you, Taco Bell Window Clerk. you have restored and renewed my faith in humanity. and secured me as a life-long Taco Bellian.

wrote by ScottishFogg at 8:53 AM EDT
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