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The Realm of Stuff
Tuesday, 25 April 2006
Mood:  chatty
Now Playing: Bon Jovi's "Bad Medicine"

with my life taking on so many new changes, i've decided it's high time my blog reflect this change. so i've decided that, along with recording all my daring and adventurous exploits, i'm going to dedicate my blog to reviewing the books i'm reading. back in the early days of this blog, i would review the movies i'd watched but life and times distracted me from that endeavor and there were simply too many movies to review (some say i have time management issues).

the first book i am to review/recommend is Steve Martin's novella Shopgirl.

i picked it up, admittedly, because i had read interesting reviews of the film they've released based on this book. i found it at McKay's, a local used book store thinking it would be filled with Martin's trademark humor. i've been a long-time fan of Steve Martin, both on screen and off (one particular article about axes i read in the paper once i found especially hysterical) and i assumed the book would be something akin to a Dave Barry book, where you find yourself laughing out loud at least once per page -- if nothing else, i'd have a constant smile while i read the book.

but this was not the case. it was something much, much better. it was soft and gentle. it's humor was subtle and often satirical. it was a book that celebrated melancholiness and explored what it's like to be in a time and place in your life when the job you have has absolutely nothing to do with your passions and what catalysts it takes to break you out of this seemingly inescapable downward spiral and ultimately, what happens when these catalysts enter your life. the title and subject matter will probably attract more women than men (it is something of a romance book), but the heart and soul of this book is universal. it's also exceptionally easy to read and just short enough that one should be able to clip through it in a weekend. the only warning against it i give is there are some, how shall we say, love scenes that i know some people will be a little uncomfortable with. but it's all handled well, in good taste, and is never exceptionally graphic.

the book was so enjoyable i quickly plucked up Steve Martin's follow-up, "The Pleasure Of My Company," which, i assume, will be my next review.

wrote by ScottishFogg at 4:06 PM EDT
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Monday, 24 April 2006
Mood:  a-ok
Now Playing: Bare Naked Ladies' "One Week"

i did a bad thing yesterday. it had been a long, long day at Olive Garden and i hadn't eaten in about eleven hours. i was tired. i was hungry. i was cranky and . . . well . . . i incited a riot.

okay, maybe not a riot. it was a slaughter! all Chattanooga base are belong to us! the Hamilton Place Olive Garden is nothing but smoldering ash! MUW-WAH-HA-HA-HA!!!!

just kidding. but the slaughter thing. and the riot. and the ashes. there's no ashes. well, there's ashes, but only where there's supposed to be. not in Olive Garden. or in place of Olive Garden. that video you saw? that wasn't even me. that was from the cartoon "Samurai Champloo." really. i don't even own a sword. there's some people who keep calling me, trying to sell me a Xena or Highlander sword, but i keep telling them, "UNTIL YOU GET ME THE BRAVEHEART SWORD, I WILL NOT SPEAK TO YOU!"

but you know how that goes. anyway, it's off to work with me! ta!

wrote by ScottishFogg at 3:30 PM EDT
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Wednesday, 12 April 2006
projects GALORE
Mood:  energetic
Now Playing: KT Tunstall's "Through the Dark"

it's some times a mystery to me why you don't hear about "tortured artists" as much you hear about "starving artists." i've been a tortured artist my entire life, but not once have i been a starving artist. honestly people, do i look like someone who has a hard time finding food?

"so what is a tortured artist" you ask?

someone who has so many ideas, they are pulled in a thousand different directions as they try to realize and pursue each one. let me let you in, for just a peak.

Alcoln and i are currently working on a graphic novel. we've just come up with a title for it, but i don't want to give away too much. i wrote it and he's drawing it. the following picture is a preliminary sketch of one of our main characters:

so i'm working on that. as i was writing that, i said to myself, "you know, this graphic novel is going to take at least a year to complete, maybe even longer to get it published. i need some kind of income (outside of the Olive Garden) between now and then. what would be something easy to write that i could publish and get my name out there with?

so i wrote this story. it's a memoir, actually. a memoir of what it was like to be a ten year-old living on an Air Force Base during the Persian Gulf War. i'm currently on my second draft of that.

while i was writing that, my friend Loren approached me about a series of short films. ten of them. i've created the outline for seven of them and am currently working on the other three outlines and trying to flesh out the outlines i have into full scripts.

as i worked on that, i was reminded of my play "Nighthawks," which i think still has a very large market of people who haven't been able to see it. so i returned to the script, re-read it, and am now currently working on a new outline for a "Nighthawks" film.

as i worked on "Nighthawks," i began to wonder about some of the other projects from my past that might be able to make the transition from stage to film and i remembered a film script i wrote called "Happy Valley." it could be years before this film is made, so why not in the meantime turn it into a book? that's the project i'm putting most of my time into right now (besides this blog).

then, on top of all that, there's another project. a super-secret project that i think could be really, really, big. but it's not anything i want to give away. i know, i know, there's like three people reading this blog (but you never know). but i'm so excited, i have to leave you with something, so i'll give you this, a collage of some of the inspirations behind the project:

the little, tiny choleric in me commit hari kari a looong time ago, but that doesn't stop me from just mentally shutting down sometimes. the scary thing is, no matter what i'm doing, i will put serious brain time into each of these projects each and every day.

so. screw the starving artists. how 'bout them tortured artists?

wrote by ScottishFogg at 4:12 PM EDT
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Tuesday, 4 April 2006
Do Not Fear Conversation!
Mood:  energetic
Now Playing: Antony & The Johnsons' "Bird Gurhl"

question: why do we fear conversation?

and i don't mean, why do we fear conversing with complete strangers in Wal-Mart -- though that would be an interesting subject of debate.

i mean, why do we fear conversing with people who believe and/or think differently than we do? so many times, we surround ourselves with people who believe as we believe, think what we think, enjoy the same movies as we do, listen to the same music we do and generally behave in public the same way we do.


what would be so bad as having a conversation with someone that has beliefs that directly contradict or conflict with ours? what is the danger in partaking in a debate with someone from "the other side of the fence?" what is the problem with watching a film that brings to our attention a different world view?

are we so fragile that anything that causes ripples could and would completely destroy our system of beliefs? are we scared that someone might challenge us and that would make us re-evaluate ourselves and why we do what we do?

what is the harm in challenging a "liberal" with "conservative" ideas or vice-versa? why do Christians fear existentialists?

let's come together and talk! otherwise we grow complacent and stagnant and no-one wants that!

or do they?

wrote by ScottishFogg at 7:34 PM EDT
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Tuesday, 21 March 2006
Nighthawks - The Movie?!
Now Playing: Robbie Williams' "Ain't That a Kick In The Head"

there's a lot of junk on the Internet. it's true. and i'm not just talking about porn. i'm talking about blogs. i'm talking about all these opinions people have that we, the readers, are supposed to care about. you could take my blog as an example. i'm writing this stuff, expecting you to read it and care about it. knowing this, i'm trying to write responsibly and not just update you daily (because let's face it, my life isn't that interesting). so i'll just update you when something big happens or there's something interesting to talk about.

like Nighthawks the movie. over a year ago, i, with Ripple Productions, wrote and directed Nighthawks, a musical adaptation of the Book of Hosea set in the 1940's. in my humble opinion, it's the best thing i've ever written. now that theatre is pretty much a thing in my past, it's high time i brought Nighthawks to the silver screen. i'm getting to flesh out the characters more. i'm getting to fix plot holes and character inconsistencies. i'm getting to answer questions the audience had the first time around. it's so exciting!

so, if you saw Nighthawks, and have an opinion about the play you'd like to share with me, please do!

wrote by ScottishFogg at 8:29 PM EST
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Monday, 13 March 2006
McFarland Family Reunion
Mood:  a-ok
Now Playing: Gwen Stefani's "What Are You Waiting For"

early Saturday morning saw Kelly and i driving down to Montgomery, Alabama for a family reunion/grandpa's 80th birthday/Aaliyah's dedication. the four hour drive down there flew past, as i was asleep the entire time. for those of you who have never been to Montgomery (or anywhere else in Alabama, for that matter), all you need to know is that it is a hot, hot place.

the baby dedication was . . . interesting. i'm only related to the child (Aaliyah, not named after the singer but because the name means "Ascend," apparently) through marriage and i think the mom (Pam or Pamela) is Kelly's second cousin, but that didn't stop them from calling me up on stage with all the other men of the family, a tradition i have never seen before. it was sweet though.

the McFarland family reunion, like any family reunion, was very educational. i now know everything i never knew i didn't know about Kelly --
but i thought it was cool. the Foggs haven't had a family reunion since . . . well, before i can remember. i occupied my time trying to hear every embarassing story about Kelly's childhood and terrorizing the children that were present. a very productive Saturday, if i do say so myself.

the drive back home was longer than the one down simply because i was mostly awake for this one. i think i'll post some pictures from our journey into the deeper south -- but i'll have to wait to get the pictures from Arlene and Kelly's mom.

tootles till then!

wrote by ScottishFogg at 3:24 PM EST
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Friday, 3 March 2006
so . . . um . . .
Mood:  a-ok
Now Playing: Los Lobos' "Come On, Let's Go"

so it's almost been a month since my last post. i just don't have anything to report. i've been doing a lot of writing and working. you can buy my book of skits and plays called "Power Skits for Youth and Young Adults" at any ABC in the country, so i think you should go do that. i'm working on a graphic novel right now with my good buddy Alcoln, developing a series of short films with Loren, and toying around with an idea for a superhero comic book i'd like to do. anyway. don't be a stranger. drop me a line, visit my MySpace, or e-mail me. tootles!

wrote by ScottishFogg at 8:04 PM EST
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Saturday, 18 February 2006
BON JOVI ('nuff said)
Mood:  happy
Now Playing: Bon Jovi's "Last Man Standing

there are some people who don't like Bon Jovi. these people are stupid. stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid heads. just kidding. i actually have a real theory about these people: Bon Jovi has always stood for two things: Kick-@$$ Rock 'n' Roll and Optimism. for a lot of people, these things don't go hand-in-hand. they'd rather have suicidally depressing rock to compliment the mood they're in. but who needs that? Bon Jovi has always provided us great music to rock to while giving us the message that, "dude, it's gonna get better."

with that said, Marshall and i hit Nashville on February 14th to take in the "Have a Nice Day" tour. this was my second Bon Jovi concert and his first. putting it very simply, it rocked.

they opened with "Last Man Standing," with Jon out on a platform in the middle of the audience wearing a marine's dress blues. it took everyone by surprise. we were on our feet instantly and didn't sit down for the next three and a half hours. they gave us everything we wanted: the new music, the golden oldies, great comedy between the band members, a surprise duet with Jennifer Nettles (of Sugarland) for "Who Says You Can't Go Home," and two encores (closing with "Welcome To Wherever You Are" and "Wanted Dead or Alive").

the biggest surprise for me was new profound respect i had for the song "Last Man Standing." i always liked the song, it was a great rocker, it touched back on Bon Jovi's earlier cowboy songs, and it always felt like a subtle tribute to Bob Dylan. but seeing Jon wearing the marine dress blues sent a new message about our men in the armed forces and how they fight for us, to the last man standing.

if you haven't given Bon Jovi a chance yet, do it now. i don't think you'll be disappointed. a great way to get acquainted with them is at one of their concerts. they always have a great atmosphere and nothing beats Bon Jovi fans. they're the best.

but if you're not willing to commit the time and money to a concert, check out these songs on the Internet or radio or wherever you can:

1.) It's My Life
2.) Livin' on a Prayer
3.) Welcome To Wherever You Are
4.) Last Man Standing
5.) Born To Be My Baby
6.) Have A Nice Day
7.) Always
8.) Wanted Dead or Alive
9.) Thank-You for Loving Me
10.) Born to be My Baby
11.) Blaze of Glory
12.) Everyday
13.) Bounce
14.) Bad Medicine
15.) Who Says You Can't Go Home
16.) Bed of Roses
17.) Someday I'll Be Saturday Night
18.) I'll Sleep When I'm Dead
19.) You Give Love a Bad Name
20.) Keep the Faith
21.) Lay Your Hands On Me
22.) Living in Sin
23.) Miracle
24.) Bang A Drum
25.) I'll Be There For You

and that's just scratching the surface . . .

wrote by ScottishFogg at 3:06 PM EST
Updated: Saturday, 18 February 2006 3:10 PM EST
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Tuesday, 14 February 2006
Havin' a Nice Day in Nashville
Mood:  energetic
Now Playing: Senses Fail's "Bite to Break Skin (the Legion of Doom remix)"

so how great is my wife, you might ask? there's a lot of ways i could answer this question, but i'll simply quote one solitary fact:

she secured fourth-row tickets for me and brother to see Bon Jovi in Nashville on Valentine's Day.

she took the day that is reserved specifically for lovers to be together and has let me go see the greatest band to grace God's green earth since Cap'n Geech and The Shrimp Shack Shooters with my little brother! how ROCKIN' is that!?

yes, i know. i owe her BIG.

don't you worry. i'll be posting pictures.

wrote by ScottishFogg at 10:58 AM EST
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Thursday, 9 February 2006
So Sayeth the Bald Man
Mood:  celebratory
Now Playing: David Gray's "Please Forgive Me"

if you got it, flaunt it. if you don't got it or are losing it, shave it off. that's my creed. which is why i'm bald now. i totally shaved my head, Mach-3, Lex Luthor style. i like it. the girls at the Olive Garden like it. the gay guys at the Olive Garden like it. who am i to argue?

so, you know i like to write. but did you know i'm an author? it's true. in the next couple of weeks, a book of Christian skits and plays i've written will be appearing in ABC's all over the division (not sure what that means, maybe just America). if you don't believe me, go to the Review and Herald's homepage. i'll autograph the first ten copies that find their way to me for free, after that, i have to think about rent and my cocaine habit and will have to charge you a small fee (sorry, can't break 20's or 50's).

i'm about to head home and watch Elizabethtown with my darling wife, Kelly. but before i leave, i have a line of questions i've been pondering and would like to share with you. i don't expect answers, i just like the idea of someone else thinking about the same thing i am.

what are battles worth fighting? what are stands and actions that are worth taking? what are points worth proving? and what should you do with everything that isn't?

wrote by ScottishFogg at 8:42 PM EST
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