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The Realm of Stuff
Monday, 15 August 2005
[Michelle] Swing
Now Playing: Big Bad Voodoo Daddy's "Go Daddy-O"

friday there was no post. to my readers (both of you), i apologize. it shan't happen again. unless there's nothing to report, 'cos then i'm just pulling stuff outta my ass, and no-one wants to read that. i bet i offended some people simply with that last sentence. so yeah, there'll be none of that.

friday after work and what-not, Michelle Sanders got together and after [Michelle] complained that [Michelle] was not mentioned enough on my website, i told [Michelle] that i'd see to it that [Michelle] got mentioned more times on my website [Michelle]. then we went out and took pictures until my camera ran outta juice. here's (more or less) what [Michelle and I] were able to get before the battery when kaput.

saturday night, Kelly, myself, Alexa, and Amos [not Michelle] went swing dancing. there's nothing quite so entertaining, energetic, and enjoyable as a good night of swing -- and nothing makes my honey look better, so a night of swing is just full of perks for me. i'm still learning, but i'm getting to a place where i can begin to learn new steps as i've finally mastered the "basics." it can be as simple or complicated as you want it to be and i highly recommend if you haven't tried it, DO IT NOW! old swing friends where there, so that was cool too (Kim, Dannon, Larry).

on sunday we did a little pre-birthday celebration for Kelly and went down to the Cheesecake Factory in Atlanta. it was my first time, and i'm going to see to it we do it again! obviously, the attraction to the CF is the , but their food in general is GREAT. if you have one in the area, you will not be disappointed. huge selection, just absolutely huge!

anyway. it's just about 11am here, which means it's just about 8am in California, which means i might be able to get a hold of the people in charge of licensing Alan Silvestri's "Forrest Gump Suite," so i best be off.

have a good one!

wrote by ScottishFogg at 10:54 AM EDT
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Thursday, 11 August 2005
Another Coyote Found!
Now Playing: Train's "When I Look Up To the Sky"

my search for Coyotes grows more successful! i found Michelle (Grozdich) by doing a little search on the Internet. she's the first i've been able to hold somewhat of a conversation with (via e-mail) and it's good to hear from her again. we were on the volleyball team together, worked in the gym together, and staffed the yearbook (she was assistant editor and then editor the following year, i was a lowly photographer and section editor). the only picture i have i can share is from Tadasana's website (the yoga & pilates studio where she now works):

i've been lined up to take Michelle Sanders' senior pictures, which is very, very exciting. i used Michelle (not the Michelle pictured above) for a black and white photo shoot a while back and she was so happy with the way they turned out, she wants me to take her senior pictures -- which is, if you're reading this Michelle, an honour.

Kelly and i went and watched "The Longest Yard" last night at the two dollar theatre (which actually costs $2.50 and is called Regal 10-17, weird, i know). i can't compare it to the original, all i can say is it was what i needed. i recommend it for anyone who likes laughing, especially laughing at people being abused on the football field, and anyone who likes sports movies. it excels as both or as either.

now i need to go find a place where i can rent a kilt jacket from, so i'll be seein' you later.


wrote by ScottishFogg at 8:54 AM EDT
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Wednesday, 10 August 2005
Standing on My Soapbox
Mood:  accident prone
Now Playing: Tenacious D's "Tribute"

okay, i'll be honest. i've never considered myself much of a photographer. i've just always enjoyed taking pictures. but recently, people have been asking me to take their pictures, which is cool, i love it, it's just a new thing for me.

anyway, last night's photo shoot was for an up-and-coming band called Soapbox. it just so happens i'm friends (and/or family) with each of them, so that made the shoot that much more enjoyable/special/fun. they had a lot of their own ideas and i brought a few to the table. but here's how the shoot turned out (more or less):

all of the "inside" pictures were their idea, i brought nothing to that but my camera and my lights. the "outside" shots are 100% T Scott Fogg though, and i think they're my favourite outta the bunch.

wrote by ScottishFogg at 1:18 PM EDT
Updated: Wednesday, 10 August 2005 1:24 PM EDT
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Tuesday, 9 August 2005
Too %#(%!$& Early . . .
Mood:  caffeinated
Now Playing: Danny Elfman's "Augustus Gloop" from his soundtrack to "Charlie and The Chocolate Factory"

my alarm went off at 6:00 this morning. i didn't know there was life at 6:00am. not a clue. but i had to be in to work by 7:00am to reshoot some stuff for this IVF DVD i'm working on. i'm capturing it right now and it looks pretty good, but that's by the grace of God. there's no way i shot good looking footage at seven in the morning. not when i went to bed at one in the morning because i was so wrapped up in reading "V For Vendetta" and beating "Resident Evil 4."

but on the bright side, i didn't watch a movie yesterday.

Kelly has built a website to record all the in's and out's of our wedding preparation. check it by clicking HERE! they grow up so fast . . . look at her, with her own blog now. it seems just like yesterday she was threatening my life because of my sexist comments . . .

for the record, i'm not sexist. i believe in equal opportunity for everyone.

seriously, every guy should have a girl. they're wonderful for keeping the apartment tidey, getting the wrinkles out of clothes, have supper ready for you when you get home . . .

i'm getting in touch with so many people thanks to MySpace! i've gotten in touch with five (six, once Marques gets back in touch with me!) former SPA-ers, it's crazy! the funniest thing is no-one recognizes me. "Holy cow, is this little Scott Fogg?"

i have never been called little before. i love you, Carmen.

i think i feel a collage coming on . . .

these cats went to San Pasqual with me. my, haven't they grown. we've all grown -- we haven't all grown up. ;)

peace, love, and chicken grease,
Lil' Scott

wrote by ScottishFogg at 10:51 AM EDT
Updated: Tuesday, 9 August 2005 7:43 PM EDT
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Monday, 8 August 2005
Ode to Productive Days
Mood:  bright
Now Playing: Rilo Kiley's "More Adventurous"

days in which things are accomplished are the best days. there is absolutely nothing like collapsing into your bed at the end of a long day knowing you you did some good.

yesterday was one such day.

i slept in and rolled out of bed at around 10am, stretched, had breakfast, and finished watching "Ghostbusters 2," which isn't nearly as good as the first one but still pretty darn entertaining. as the credits, i stirred up some fake vomit* in an old salsa jar and let it sit. i drove down to Tom's house and picked up the DVX for the film shoot. he was busy packing and preparing for the move, so i didn't stay long.

on my way home with the camera, i swung by Ledford Hall, where i was going to shoot the bulimia scene (for my now titled "Stone Silent" PSA). i inspected the bathroom and specifically the toilet where we were going to shoot to make sure our actress wouldn't pick up some communicable disease while pretending to vomit.

i met Ruthie at 2pm and went and shot the gag-inducing scene. we were done by 3pm and i brought her back to my apartment, where she jumped into her car and left.

Marshall and i spent some time playing "Alien Hominid" and "Resident Evil 4" before i took him over to Collegedale Academy so he could go through freshman orientation.

on my way home, i stopped by my parents' house and picked up a box of pictures i needed to sort through for wedding's slide show i need to begin work on. i sorted through the pictures while i watched "Chris Rock: Never Scared" and thoroughly enjoyed myself. there's nothing like sorting through old pictures to bring a smile to your face.

especially when those pictures are pictures from San Pasqual Academy you didn't know you had. oh don't you worry. i'll be sharing those ASAIFAS**.

i tucked myself into bed, read a few more pages of "V For Vendetta" and went to sleep.

all in all, a very productive and fulfilling day.

today the local private schools (elementary and high schools) start back up, which is exciting, as my brother is now a freshman and i begin my teaching job.

oh, didn't i tell you? Spalding Elementary has asked me to teach a photography class and today's my first day! send up a prayer for the students and wish me luck!


* great fake vomit recipe: salsa, left over (and slightly chewed) Chinese, a little soda (i used Big Red), and a little milk.

** (As Soon As I Find A Scanner)

wrote by ScottishFogg at 9:44 AM EDT
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Friday, 5 August 2005
Charlie and the Ghostbustin' Appleseed Factory
Mood:  energetic
Now Playing: Grand Funk Railroad's "We're An American Band"

me and my crazy film addiction. last night i watched the little Japanese visual treat called "Appleseed." four outta five stars. if you like(d) Ghost in the Shell, Cowboy Bebop, The Matrix, any sci-fi action film ever created, you'd dig this. it's what the Final Fantasy movie wished it could have been. i woke up this morning and popped in that American comedic treat known as "Ghostbusters." my mom wouldn't let me watch it when it first came out, when it was big and popular, because it was too demonic. now it's just silly. funny thing is, despite them not letting me watch the movie, it was the first soundtrack i ever bought (on record!). actually, they let me watch it a couple of times, but it always elicited very long discussions which resulted in me not being allowed to watch it for a couple of more years. today i met my mom and Marshall at the theatre for Tim Burton's latest romp through the weird and Johnny Depp's latest romp through a fascinating character called "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory."

i just finished cleaning the fertility center and i smell strangely of Lysol. not that it's strange that i smell like it, but it's an odd smell of Lysol. not your typical Lysol.

now i'm off to head into the weekend. tootles!

wrote by ScottishFogg at 4:09 PM EDT
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Thursday, 4 August 2005
Born on the Fourth of July . . . in Knoxville
Mood:  a-ok
Now Playing: Liz Phair's "Johnny Feelgood"

i'm only two-fifths done with my violence -vs- silence video and i'm already sickening and offending people! i dub this project a success! Rachel (upon viewing it) said "holy shit, i think i'm gonna throw up." Michelle's mom watched it was offended and, in the words of Michelle, "got pissed."

good. if you enjoy watching this, there is something seriously wrong with you. that was my intent from the beginning.

i watched Oliver Stone's "Born on the Fourth of July" last night. Oliver Stone is kind of writer/director where he either makes the most amazing movie in which you cannot imagine a different (or better) way to tell the story, or he makes incredibly boring CRAP. this film belongs in the first category. if you've seen "Platoon" and liked it, this is the perfect follow-up, almost a sequel, to that film.

this morning i drove up to Knoxville (any other mortal it would have taken an hour and a half to two hours to get there, me, i made in one hour! my return trip was even shorter as i reinacted my favourite scenes from "Smokey and the Bandit!"). i went up there to shoot some B-roll for the IVF DVD . . . and was done in 20 minutes. filmed all of 10 minutes of footage. got some good stuff, just seems an exhaustive process for 10 minutes of footage. actually, in the film world, that ain't bad at all. three hours of work for ten minutes of usuable footage? that's got to be called a successful day.

i'm currently burning a CD, as i typically don't listen to the radio and need some new music to listen to. don't worry. i purchased most of the songs completely legally. kinda.

i better head off. i need to think of new ways to offend people.

wrote by ScottishFogg at 4:37 PM EDT
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Wednesday, 3 August 2005
Amanda the Betrothed
Mood:  celebratory
Now Playing: Captain & Tennille's "Love Will Keep Us Together"

i gots to throw all my grammar lessons to the wind and throw out a fat ol' shout out to Amanda B Herod who has joined the cultural elite known as "the engaged."

but i have to ask you a question, and i'm sure you'll be offended by it, so i'm posting it on my site as opposed to your site. does it bother you that you had absolutely no reason to go to Southern, when you didn't mean the man of your dreams in school? i mean, that's gotta be frustrating. what's a woman going to do with an education? it's off to the kitchen with you now. no point at all. all those tests, all those quizzes, all those dollars (and British pounds!) for nothin'.

but from my understanding, in Canada, women are at least allowed to vote, so that's cool, right?

editor's note: moments after posting this blog, T Scott Fogg was killed by a group of feminists, led by his own fiance', who can apparently smell men with male superiority tendencies. i wish i could say he'll be missed, but let's face it. he won't.

wrote by ScottishFogg at 8:49 PM EDT
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Fake Blood, Virgin Suicides, Rape, and Finding Neverland
Mood:  bright
Now Playing: Weezer's "Beverly Hills"

what a day, what a day.

i began shooting my as of yet untitled film that explores violence and silence (to quote "Stand" by Jewel, "so much violence ends in silence"). it's the most uncomfortable film i've ever shot, and i've only done two scenes. i look forward to its completed . . . ness. completedness? is that a word? it is now!

if you're going to join my cult, you have to pick up the dialect. Scottonics. completedness: the state, time or place in which something has been completed.

the first scene we shot was a rape. possibly a date rape, we're not taking the time to see what leads to the rape, simply that it happens. the point of the picture is if you've lived through something (good or bad) if you don't spread the word, the bad has no option but to happen again and the good has no option but to disappear.

if you have lived through something traumatic, you need to tell somebody. not only for your own good, but you might be able to prevent it happening again. education is the key, people.

the second scene we shot was a very, very bloody suicide. i know, i know, suicide is such a cliche. the first film i ever shot was a tale of suicide. but, did you know that . . .

Suicide is the eighth leading cause of death for
all U.S. men? Suicide rates are highest among
Whites and second highest among American Indian
and Native Alaskan men. Women report attempting
suicide during their lifetime about three times as
often as men. Suicide is the third leading cause
of death among young people ages 15 to 24. In
2001, 3,971 suicides were reported in this group.

the shoot went well, though my bathroom is still pink. a little bleach will fix that tonight, though, hopefully.

after the shoot i reported to the baseball diamond for a spirited game of softball. we skunked the other team and the game was called five innings in. i made the last run in (but don't let that fool you, i really suck).

after the game Kelly and i went back to my apartment and watched "Finding Neverland," which is absolutely the best film i've seen in a while. have i said that before? seems like i have, and recently, too.

but it was heart-warming, funny, imaginative, and tear-inducing. it's movies like this that i love and i hate. it's the kind of story that's been in the back of my mind for a while. i'll be trying to figure out the best way to tell it, figure it out, and someone beats me to the punch and does it better. i love films about artists and writers. i just get the biggest kick out of them (see also "Amadeus").

anyway. it's off to editing i go. see ya' in the funny papers.

wrote by ScottishFogg at 9:58 AM EDT
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Tuesday, 2 August 2005
Missing Coyotes
Mood:  happy
Now Playing: Alise Schram's "Dear SPA We Love You (San Pasqual Academy's School Song)"

a bout of melancholy has struck me recently. i've always been one to be more melancholy than not, but for some reason, this one seems stronger and has lasted longer. and you wanna know what it revolves around?

if you knew me you need not ask.


no, not my last visit to the spa. i can't even look at the work "spa" and read it as "spa." i see it as initials: S.P.A. San Pasqual Academy.

the school closed during the summer of 1997, right after my sophomore year. and i have spent the rest of my life since then chasing SPA. it's nowhere to be found. i've never found anywhere like it. the closest thing to feeling at home like i did at SPA was my year in Ireland and any moment in Kelly's arms.

so if you're reading this and you're an SPA alumist or, like me, an almost SPA almunist, contact me, yo. i miss ya'. i might not even know who you are, but i miss ya'. drop me a line here or IM me, i'm on Trillian every day:

AIM - DooWahDiddyFogg
YAHOO - ScottishFogg
ICQ - 316830871

i'd love to catch up with ya', maybe swap some photos, laugh about O'Neil's chalkline, you know, the usual.

wrote by ScottishFogg at 1:48 PM EDT
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