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The Realm of Stuff
Sunday, 4 December 2005
Confessions of Writer-Blocked Mind
Mood:  not sure
Now Playing: Guns 'n' Roses' "Paradise City"

i'm waiting for my undershirt and apron to dry before i head off to work.

i'm going back through the first season of Smallvilleand remembering how much i actually like that show.

i just watched an Italian flick called Remember Me, My Love and was very pleasantly surprised by how poignant it was.

i have two stories rambling around in my brain, wanting to be written, but at this juncture i completely lack the capacity to write them, which is the most frustrating feeling in the world. i'm a writer, i should be able to write. but i sit down at my computer, open the document, and it just stares back at me. this too shall pass, i s'pose.

we're exactly two weeks away from the wedding and i couldn't be more excited. i really, really can't wait for this next step in our lives and it's just so surreal. if i think about it long enough, it can be scary and intimidating, but i'm just looking forward to it so much, that stuff is completely overshadowed. tee-hee.

Justin, Rob, Amos and I hung out last night while the girls threw a lingerie party for Kelly. it was fun and i think we're going to do it again next weekend, just a guys' night. i like having guy friends.

a co-worker of mine said that a straight man cannot, no matter how much he might want to, have a girl as a friend in his life. which i think is very, very ironic as my whole life, i've really only had girls as friends. i've had a lot of dudes in my life, don't get me wrong, but i've always been surrounded by more girls. go fig.

anyway. i'm out. tootles.

wrote by ScottishFogg at 3:04 PM EST
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Tuesday, 29 November 2005
Random Day of Randomness!
Now Playing: Bowling For Soup's "Come Back to Texas"

okay, i just found this on someone else's blog and totally stole it. it made me laugh and is actually pretty cool. give it a whirl.

What Icons are for you?(Thank you for #1!! Please check out my other Memes!!) by ladyallie
Favourite Colour
Your Love icon is...
Your Sexy Icon is...
Your Animal Icon is...
Your Sad Icon is...
Your Random Icon is...
Your Happy Icon is...
Your Food Icon is...
Your Cartoon Icon is...
Your Angry Icon is...
Quiz created with MemeGen!

wrote by ScottishFogg at 5:55 PM EST
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Thursday, 24 November 2005
Give Thanks, America!
Now Playing: Alanis Morissette's "All I Really Want"

what's up America? it's been a while, but don't worry, i haven't forgotten you. i've been scouring this land of opportunity, looking for a place of employment. and i've found one.

i'm a server at Olive Garden.

i finished my training last night and my first official shift is tomorrow. so far, i love my job. yeah, it's stress. but it's good stress, something smart people call "eustress." i'm working with professionals who have demands and guidelines for me to work within and i love it! and i love working with the people (both the guests and fellow employees). i'm almost ashamed to say this is my first "secular" job. i dig it though, i really do.

we got our first wedding present yesterday! the Millers (gimme a "woot-woot" Waterloo!) sent us a lovely Mission-style coat rack. we've found the perfect wall for it in my apartment (soon to be "our apartment") and will be hanging it shortly, pending landlord approval.

i'm enjoying Turkey Day (which, according to my pastor, is the only "absolutely American holiday" -- i guess he forgot about July 4th, President's Day, and Martin Luther King Jr Day and National Talk Like a Pirate Day). i slept in, rolled out of bed, shaved my head (no, not clean), watched Grosse Point Blank, started some laundry, and came over to the 'rents house and had some good cookin'.

enjoy yo' day, America, you don't get any more! ;)

wrote by ScottishFogg at 6:29 PM EST
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Thursday, 3 November 2005
Shootin' Pictures and Makin' Collages
Mood:  bright
Now Playing: Gemma Hayes' "Lay Lady Lay"

life has returned to its originally planned, normal course. how normal has life become for me? last night i was on a photo shoot with two of the hottest under age chicks i know and today i made a collage which i am now sharing with you! how's THAT for normalcy?

wedding invitations are going out!! it's crazy, we've passed the two-month mark and the big day just keeps getting closer and closer. i'm wicked psyched (take that as either a shout-out to my Bostonian fans or as evidence of my stubborn refusal to leave the 80's).

peace, love, and chicken grease. i have to get back to scanning pictures.

PS - if you haven't received your invitation yet, it's only because we don't like you.

wrote by ScottishFogg at 7:26 PM EST
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Tuesday, 1 November 2005
God is Goooooood
Mood:  special
Now Playing: a string quartet version of Bon Jovi's "Always"

just when you start to doubt God, just when you think "life sucks then you die," the clouds part and you see a new brick in the road that He has chosen for you.

despite not having a job, despite a fairly uncertain future, Kelly and i have chosen to press on with the wedding. we take a stand and decide to let God be the lord of our lives and we take this really, really big step of faith and . . .

i have three job interviews. three.

Olive Garden wants me to be a server. Sprint wants me for whatever it is they do, and a local talent agency, Agentia, called me today and wants to bring me on board (not as a talent but as worker within the company). BOO-YAH!

it's just oh-so-very gratifying and exciting to see that you were right to trust in the Lord.

wrote by ScottishFogg at 8:51 PM EST
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Monday, 31 October 2005
Mood:  bright
Now Playing: ES Posthumus' "Antissa"

i don't even know what day this of (of my unemployment). i've lost count and i don't really care to take the time to add up the days, hours, and minutes since i last did an honest day's work -- though, now that i think about it, it was just last Friday, as i've become a substitute teacher for Spalding Elementary and Collegedale Academy. i spent the morning with a bunch of wild and crazy 5th graders, which is actually a lot more fun than my sarcastically cynical tone makes it sound.

Friday evening and all day saturday was a blast, though. Kelly, Alexa, Amos, Rachel, Andy, Rob and i went camping up at the Ocoee (yes, the place where they filmed "Deliverance"). we rattled our way up there and about 36 hours of weiner and Spam jokes later, we returned to civilization.

Sunday was spent with Loren who came down and visited us from Nashville. we spent a good five hours together. the only time the air wasn't filled with our bristling conversation was when our mouths were full of Italian food.

i ducked out of a job interview at Walden Security this morning when i realized they wanted to pay me $5.15 an hour for part time work that would vary in time and location in such a way that it would prevent me from having a second part time job. but no worries there, as i have an interview at Olive Garden tomorrow and Sprint on Thursday.

for those of you living your life under a rock, the television show Lost, while being highly addictive, is better than 9/10 of the movies being made today and is well worth your time. go rent the DVD's today. i promise you won't be disappointed.

Favorite Simpsons Moment #608

Homer: Do you want to change your name to Homer Junior? The kids could call you "Hoju."

wrote by ScottishFogg at 6:35 PM EST
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Monday, 17 October 2005
Ga$ Price$
Mood:  cheeky
Now Playing: Matchbox 20's "3 AM"

sometimes all you need is a good laugh. check these out and have a good laugh. ;)

wrote by ScottishFogg at 4:43 PM EDT
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Wednesday, 12 October 2005
Curiouser and Curiouser
Mood:  quizzical
Now Playing: Flogging Molly's "Drunken Lullabies"

Day 32 of Scott's Unemployment.

it's times like this, in one's life, that makes you wonder what the grander scheme of life truly is. i've put my life in God's hands and within the past week and a half, i've made Jesus the lord of my life, which is a position He hasn't held in four or five years. i believe He has a plan for me and that He will reveal it to me, but after 32 days of not making any money, you do have to start wondering what He's got up His cosmic sleeve.

Kelly (the love of me life, sorry ladies) and i have our pre-marital counseling today. i'm about to head out the door and pick her up for it. the hour we spend with Dr Womack always ends up being the highlight of the week as we just love that man and we're both talkers and our favourite subject is us, so we're all winners!

for you comic lovers out there, i just finished Marvel 1602 by Neil Gaiman and Andy Kubert and it was absolutely the most satisfying comic i've read in a very, very long time (and i'm a Bendis fan!).

as far as my writings go, i finished my treatment for my adaptation of The Scarlet Pimpernel and i've begun finishing my treatment for a as-of-yet unnamed project about one man's search for redemption.

anyway, i'm off. please keep me in your prayers.

wrote by ScottishFogg at 11:33 AM EDT
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Saturday, 1 October 2005
Belief -vs- Faith
Mood:  quizzical
Now Playing: Creed's "Torn"

is there a difference? between faith and belief, i mean.

faith is defined as "being able to believe in something we cannot see."

so by definition alone, faith is taking belief to the next level. anyone can believe in the incredible edible egg, you can see it, touch it, taste it, crack it, scramble it, and eat it. but not everyone can believe in an almighty God. few have seen Him, few have touched Him, heard Him, smelt Him or tasted Him.

maybe it's because i grew up as a Christian, but to me, faith is a watered down version of belief. faith doesn't require action, belief does. the difference between someone having faith in me and someone believing in me is astounding.

which brings me to realization that i've always had faith in God, but i'm not sure i've believed Him. or believed in Him. it was a very startling realization -- an epiphany, really.

that's the funny thing about epiphanies. epiphanies change the universe without moving a single hair. everything's changed but nothing's different.

Abraham believed in God. yes, he had incredible faith, but he believed in God. so when God told him to sacrifice Isaac, Abraham was willing to, despite the fact that it flew in the face of everything Abraham knew about God. God has never, ever, requested or demanded human sacrifices. but Abraham didn't question. he knew God. if God came to me and asked me to sacrifice my son, or my brother, i would probably pause and say, "this isn't one of the 27 fundamental beliefs of the Seventh-Day Adventist Church, so this must be a trick or temptation from the devil."

because i've defined God by a religion. my religion. God isn't a religion. CS Lewis writes this really amazing theory and that is, every religion is actually a descendant of the original "religion," the theological beliefs of Adam, Eve, Noah, etc. this is why every religion, for example, has a flood story or a saviour story. each religion has aspects of the Truth and each has a unique and important view of salvation that really needs to be taken into account and not ignored, but so many times we get high and mighty with our own religion that we make sinners out of saints.

which, i know, is a very prickly subject for Christians, as we believe we have "the Way, the Truth, and the Life," and there's no way to Heaven but through Jesus. we just need to make sure to remember that and not cling to the Gospel of Limp Bizkit which is "my way or the highway." Christianity (or Seventh-Day Adventism) is missing things that Buddhism has, but it's important to note what Christianity has that Buddhism doesn't (using Buddhists purely as an example here).

my filter is the Bible.

wow. all this just because of a line in the movie (you must see) Serenity.

wrote by ScottishFogg at 1:42 PM EDT
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Wednesday, 28 September 2005
Life With a Big Screen
Mood:  bright
Now Playing: Dropkick Murphy's "The Warrior's Code"

Day 19 of Scott's Unemployment.

i got a TV! i know, i know, i'm unemployed and should have other things on my mind, but my parents gave me the last of the money they owed me and i took it to Best Buy and bought a 27" TV with it. it makes me happy. now, after a long day of not going to work, i can curl up in the glowing warmth of the television's warming glow.

bought and beat Ultimate Spider-Man. if i didn't have such a kick-@$$ story and the option to play as Venom, i'd be a little disappointed. i really dig it, don't get me wrong, it gets an "A" as far as games go, but it has a few too many chases and the entire game is like Spider-Man 2 with an aesthetic overhaul (but props for using Bagley's artwork). it's the first Spider-Man game, i will say, that truly bring the comic book world to life.

working on some script treatments. three, to be exact. one's a romantic comedy, one's kind of a crime drama, and the other is rollicking period piece (don't want to give away too much just yet).

finished editing my demo reel a couple of nights ago. nice to see the whole thing put together. i actually have some pretty good work to show off. i'm kinda proud. ;)

i have to pick up Marshall from the dentist in about 30 minutes, then i'm gonna go home, pop in a movie, pop in some fish and chips (sorry, French Fries to you Yanks), and work on those pesky script treatments.

Favourite Simpsons Moment #648
Reverend Lovejoy: Homer, I'd like you to remember Matthew 7:26. "The foolish man who built his house upon the sand."
Homer: And you remember . . . Matthew . . . 21:17.
Reverend Lovejoy: "And he left them and went out of the city, into Bethany, and he lodged there?"
Homer: Yeah. Think about it.

wrote by ScottishFogg at 4:55 PM EDT
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