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Sierra's Celestial Realm

"Where Love Is Eternal, And Friends Are Forever"

Welcome to Sierra's Celestial Realm! This site was made in memoriam of Sierra Racket, a Sorrel Overo mare with the need for speed. We miss you, "Katie!"

Would you like to get a memorial to your loved one just like mine?

Last Update: 25 Dezember 2000 ~ The black horse above is my new stable mascot, Diablo. Ain't he cute? I'll have the button up so you can get one just like him ASAP!! (I can't find the dang button! If you know where he came from, please let me know so I can put up a link... otherwise I'll be forced to take him off the site.)

UPDATES as of 25/12/00: ~*~ORPHANS PAGE! - Please check this out, esp. if you're a fellow Pedigree Assignment enthusiast! Danke! ~*~Quiz #6 - Winter Care! ~*~ Win an Award! ~*~ You can win an award for your site by hitting the "Apply" button below, or you can win one by emailing me your answers for the quiz! ~*~ YOU GUYS! C'mon! I know some of you have sites, and you want more visitors, so why not help out in the banner exchange? Do you need a banner? EMAIL ME and I'll be glad to make one! Check out the BANNER EXCHANGE page for more info! ~*~ Got a banner? Wanna swap? :) Remember to have fun!

PLEASE READ!! I have recently changed to using graphics for links, so all the graphics below ARE LINKS! Place your cursor over them and a box will appear under the cursor, explaining what the link goes to! Thanks! Ü

Got a Banner and want it on my site? As long as there's no bad, ugly stuffins... check it out!

Vote in the polls! Voice your opinion!

Hey, wanna see how my hard work has paid off? Click here!

Think your site rocks? Come apply for an award!!

Quiz #5: Breeders' Cup Day ~ just for you Racing fans!!

Be Sure to Sign The Guestbook!

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S/D List (Pedigree Assignment)

Hey you! Got a website? Email me your URL and Title and I'll put it up on the links page!

Love Morgans? Never even heard of 'em? Well, click the bay horse to find out more!

Breed of the Month for November: the Morgan Horse

Wanna learn more about little ol' me?

My Horses

Please vote for SCR... click here!!

Please click here and vote for SCR!

Please vote for me and click here!

Please vote for me! Danke!

Love Ludger? Click Here!

Hi, I'm Panther's Silence, another SCR mascot!Click here to give a unicorn like Panther a home!

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