New King James Version. The Spirit Filled Life Bible is a study guide for those seeking to bring the Word to life in their daily walk with Jesus.
Throughout the Old and New Testaments boxes containing study notes by various Christian authors provide insights into Kingdom Dynamics. Kingdom Dynamics relate the living Word to your life through Foundational Precepts (The Word of God, The Blood of the Covenant, The Kingdom of God, Prayer and Spiritual Development, Assigned to World Evangelism, Prophecy and the Scriptures and Spiritual Answers to Hard Questions), Life-Releasing Promises (The Holy Spirit and Restoration, God's Plan for Prosperity, The Ministry of Angles, Principles of Seed Faith, Messianic Promises and Christ's Coming and Spiritual Answers to Hard Questions), Relational Priorities (God's Order for Family Life, The Worth of the Human Personality, Brotherly Love, The Work and Ministry of Women, The Traits of Spiritual Leadership and Spiritual Answers to Hard Questions) and Power Principles (Holy Spirit Gifts and Power, The Pathway of Praise, The Ministry of Divine Healing, Faith's Confession of God's Word, Advancing in Spiritual Warfare and Spiritual Answers to Hard Questions). Further depth is added with Word Wealth definitions of key Hebrew and Greek words that enhance your understanding of the Scriptures. Each Book of the Old and New Testament end with a Truth-In-Action section pulling together key Scriptures (marked throughout the Book) into "Truths" inviting the believer to take "Action" in their daily walk with Jesus. Marginal notes and footnotes provide in-depth understanding of the Scriptures complete with cross-index to other Scriptures relating to the same subject.
Studying from this Bible has brought the Word to life for me. I highly recommend this Bible to the new believer and the experienced researcher alike. I pray that it will bless you as much as it has blessed me. Webmaster
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King James Version, New American Standard Bible Updated Edition, New International Version, New Living Translation, New Century Version, Contemporary English Version, New King James Version, and The Message. This Bible provides eight translations side by side providing the ability to easily read each translation without changing Bibles (and it clears up desk space). Reading Scriptures in different translations has given me greater insight into the Word helping me find clearer understanding in my studies. Each translation has its own footnotes that provide additional varied information. This Bible is a great help to Pastors, writers, or researchers; it is easy to find exactly what you need for your sermon, publication or paper.
I recommend this Bible to anyone who routinely reads more than one translation. Webmaster
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King James Version. This Bible is a serious study and research tool. The Scriptures are cross-referenced (in marginal notes) to other Scriptures related to the topic of your current reading. A number is also assigned to the topic of study that references a section (in the rear of the Bible) that provides a concise examination of the topic (also including a full listing of all other Scriptures relating to the topic). Other features of the Thompson Chain-Reference Bible include and in-depth analysis of each Bible Book, an outline study of Bible Characters, unique charts and maps, self-pronouncing text, and a concordance.
This Bible is a must for anyone who does topic or word studies. Webmaster
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The concordance provides a means to quickly find a particular Scripture when a key word from the verse is known. If you knew that the Lord promised wisdom to those who asked somewhere in the Book of James, you would look up "wisdom" in the concordance and find every reference to wisdom from Genesis to Revelation. Then look for those occurrences of wisdom in James; you will find four occurrences of wisdom in the Book of James (1:5, 3:13, 3:15 and 3:17). Each occurrence has the text around the word "wisdom" quoted for easy reference. Starting at James 1:5 we see quoted: "If any of you lack w, let him ask" that is the Scripture we were searching for (Note: the word wisdom is replaced with the italicized letter w). Also listed by the quote is a reference number for the word you looked up (for James 1:5 -- wisdom is 4678) this number cross-references the word "wisdom" to the Greek (or Hebrew is studying in the Old Testament) dictionary in the rear of the concordance [4678 sophia (sof-ee-ah) from 4680 - wisdom (higher or lower, worldly or spiritual) - wisdom]. This information can be used to further research the word in a Bible dictionary. The concordance is also essential for word or topic searches; you can find all occurrences of any word (Old and New Testament) and read the listed Scriptures to further your study of the subject. If I am trying to find Scriptures to stand on in prayer, I use the concordance to find the promises given to me as a Covenant Child of God.
If you are seeking an in-depth understanding of the Bible, I recommend a concordance for your studies. Webmaster
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An English word can have more than one root in the Hebrew or Greek, so a Bible dictionary is important for understanding the true meaning of words used in Scripture. Using the example of "wisdom" it has two roots: sophia and phronesis. A Bible dictionary will give the definition to both words; in Vine's it also explains: "While sophia is the insight into the true nature of things, phronesis is the ability to discern modes of action with a view to their results; while sophia is theoretical, phronesis is practical." Vine's also provides reference to Scriptures in which each definition is used; providing help as a dictionary, commentary and concordance.
If you do research the Scriptures, I recommend you keep a Bible dictionary handy. Webmaster
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