That wonderful time of year. The time when familys and
friends come together with a spirit not seen throughout the past year. A
time of love and laughter, sharing and caring.
It has been said that Christmas is for children. I think we need to clarify this
just a little. Christmas brings out the child in each of us, the magical, mystical
child-like spirit that we could do well to bring forth all year long. The spirit
of sharing, of giving, of empathy and understanding.
The spirit of good-will that evades each hearth and home at Christmas time should be eternal and
infinite. At this time of year, we tend to forgive each other all the little irritants and even larger provacations
that occurred during the past year and start anew. Oh, but how wonderful life could be if
we could do this all year long. My wish for you is that you might hold on to the spirit of
Christmas with both hands, fists tightly clenched, throughout the coming New Year. Be a little more
understanding, a little more tolerant and a lot more loving to those around you. The return you receive will be,
at a minimum, ten-fold. Merry Christmas everyone!!