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The Phenomenal Women Of The Web®

Southern Elegance:

  • My web site is a reflection of my love for anything Victorian. The Victorian era fascinates me with all its' customs and its' formality. I hope you enjoy your visit with me and find something that uplifts or inspires you. Please feel free to visit anytime.
  • My definition of what it means to be the "Epitome of a Phenomenal Woman" is rooted in my belief that a woman can be or do anything she so chooses. I realize that there are those who say and believe that a "woman has her place", what I may not agree with is "where" that place may be. I think it's different for all women. Some women choose to stay at home, caring for and nurturing her family. Other women find their place in the workforce and are able to excel at their chosen profession. I don't think it really matters either way, the important thing is that she is able to do as she desires/chooses and feels fulfilled and complete.
  • Southern Elegance became a member of Phenomenal Woman of the web on June 29, 2001.

  • Be sure to sign my guestbook before you leave, Please.

NOTE: the views expressed within this web site are those of the web mistress. The graphics are copyright to Southern Elegance unless otherwise specified. If you wish to use anything within this web site for your own personal homepage, contact Southern Elegance

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