Our Reasons

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We have reasoned these truths, as educated adult tax paying, law abiding, registered voting american citizens that according to "The King James" version of the Bible, it is our God given right to possess any naturally growing herb and do with it as we will, and harm none. We also believe in obeying the law of the land unless it is in direct opposition to the law of God, as he is presented in the "King James" version of the Bible and i quote: Romans 14:2 "For one believeth that he may eat all things, another who is weak eateth herb." 14:3 "Let not him judge him that eateth, for God hath recieved him." Genisis 1:29 "And God said behold, I have GIVEN you EVERY seed bearing herb which is upon the face of all the earth....and shall be to you for meat." It is also our belief that oppression is wrong and truth and liberty are correct, and "The Cedar Grove Movement" is founded on these principals.

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