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The Art of Copy


Welcome to The Art of Copy. Here you will find the very BASICS of How to Copy and Paste. However if you find that your questions have not been answered, then you may mail me, and ask for further help. And before you get started, just remember....this is going to be EASY to learn!

First you need to remember just a few simple commands:

CMD A = Highlight
CMD C = Copy
CMD V = Paste

Alright. Now that you have those, we are ready to use them and learn to copy. How you choose to do your commands will depend on WHAT you need to copy. I will show you two different versions and you can decide what is best for you.


1. Click on the image you want.

2. Press your "GOTO" button, and then press the "show last" button. Now the URL for the image will pop up in the box.

3. Move your cursor up in the window with the URL.

4. Press the CMD button down.....and hold it.

5. While you are holding the CMD button down press the A. Now your text is Highlighted.

6. Press the CMD button down again and while you are holding it down, press the C. Now you have copied the URL to the image.

7. Now go to where you want to put your image and move your cursor to where the URL should be and press the CMD button and hold it down. Now press the V and it will paste the URL beside your cursor.


Now you have the Basics for moving the URL for an image. But what if you need to copy text? Well, this is just a tiny bit more complicated, but still EASY. We are going to pretend you want to copy something WITHIN a letter someone sent you.


"......Girl, and he took me to the movies and we had the greatest time! Did I mention that he is so CUTE! Here is the address to his webpage .... hope you have time to check it out!!......"

Now. You need to copy and paste the address from the middle of the letter. How can you do that? Its easy...Just like this:

1. Press your "FIND" button.

2. It will pull up a grey box with a blank line at the top....put your cursor in the line and TYPE the word where you want to start your highlight. In this example you will type "HTTP". Press the return button.

3. You will see on your page that the letters "HTTP' have been highlighted. Now. Press down the SHIFT key and hold it down.

4. While you are holding it down, go to your arrows on the right side of your keyboard.

5. You are going to use your arrow keys at the bottom right of the keyboard to MOVE your highlighting as far down as you need it to go. You will push the "right" arrow key and move the highlighted area to the end of the "index.html".

6. Now you can stop pressing the Shift key and press and hold down the CMD key ..and copy the address. ( COMMAND C )

7. Paste it wherever you need it to go...and you are set! ( COMMAND V )

Now you have mastered the Art of Copy and Paste..and it wasn't even that hard!! Now if you care to take a peek at my "PEARLS OF WISDOM" .....things that I WISH someone had told me from the beginning, plus a few tricks and tips of my own... then just click below and Keep from making the stupid mistakes that I have....


HTML Basics Part One

Sounds of the Web

LAIR Index