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My ROTC group went to the Space Camp
in Huntsville, Alabama
on Monday, March 19th, 2001.

Here are some of the pictures
I took while there.

  • Some cool rockets there

  • An Army helicopter

  • Army scud missile launchers

  • Space shuttle (rear view)

  • US Space shuttle

  • "G" Force Accelerator...
    This is one awesome ride!!
    Its just like a Gravitron but 3X's faster!!!
    I rode this 14 times.

  • Space Shot...
    Another cool ride!
    I rode this 36 times!!
    It shoots you UP in the air about 200 ft.
    Then drops you at a -3G drop.

  • Smaller shuttle (rear view)

  • Large view of a shuttle

  • Space shot...
    Going UP ^^^^!!!

  • Dorothy II...
    This is from the movie "Twister."

  • Space Shot...
    Look at the flag pole,
    compare it to the size of the Space Shot.

  • A rocket

  • My Friends...
    From right to left,
    Chuck, Brandi, & Felicia

  • Brandi after the ride...
    Bad hair day? :-)