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"Yeah, I Am The Guy With The Chihuahua!"

Soon To Be Your Favorite Magician... If Not Already!

Birthday Moms appreciate the fact that Mr. Nick's show is always appropriate for all ages at the party - complete with doves, rabbits, audience participation, and yes - Chico The Chihuahua! Your child's party will be talked about for months as the best birthday party because Mr. Nick was there!

"Being with Justin and all, I have 'been there and done that'... But Mr. Nick's show was GREAT!"
- Justin Timberlake's Stepfather

"I would love to have you perform at my picnic next year!"
- Mr. Chuck, Children's TV Personality

"Thank you SO MUCH! The kids loved it."
- E. Koester, Day Care Provider

"You're the best investment I have ever made in my restaurant."
- Glen Miller, Restaurant Manager

"We have comment cards requesting (oh, all right, DEMANDING) your return."
- Renee Smith, First Night Committee

"Thanks for bringing such a GREAT show to our school!!! It was truly a MAGICAL ADVENTURE."
- Mary McCall, PTO President, Brookside Elementary School

"I've got lots of grandkids, and have been to lots of birthday parties. Out of all the magicians, clowns, and puppeteers that I've seen, your show was the best! All the kids got to participate and had a great time."
- A. Schlesinger, Birthday Grandma

"Please hire Mr. Nick so he can move out of our basement."
- Mr. & Mrs. Toombs, Mr. Nick's Mom & Dad

Telephone: 901.358.7258 Cell: 901.485.2319 Email:

For more choices for ALL your entertainment and party needs, visit our parent site From Clowns to Moonwalks - From Ice Cream Trucks to Water Slides...
"If It's FUN, We've Got It!"
Click here for prices.