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The Lord of the Rings

The Fellowship of the Ring

     Bilbo has now adopted a young hobbit to be his heir, Frodo.  After an enormous birthday party, Bilbo makes a strange exit and leaves for Rivendell.  Frodo comes into his inheritance, including the ring.  Many years later, Gandalf returns looking rather rushed and tells him he must go for Rivendell immediately.  They also find a spy eavesdropping, Sam Gamgee.  Sam being discovered begs Frodo to let him come, Frodo lets him come.  Also with Frodo is his good friend Pippin.  The next day, they start out.  However, right before they leave, they see a large man asking for "Baggins."  They decide not to go see who it is.  Before they leave the Shire, hobbit country, they start towards Brandybuck and the Brandywine River.  Along the way they have many run ins with evil looking people they name "Black Riders."   They remain unseen from them.  They have many other frightening adventures along their way.  They also meet many other people and visit many other places.  They do eventually make it to Rivendell though, barely.  Then they set off on their real task.  They set off from Rivendell with a company of nine.  Frodo, Sam, Pippin, Mary (hobbits), Gimli (dwarf), Legolas (elf), Baromir, Aragorn (Men), and Gandalf (Wizard).  They are heading towards the land of Gondor, Baromir's country.   To get there they decide to go over the mountain Caradhras.  However, they are turned back by too much snow.  They now must pass through the city of Moria.  It once was a dwarf city, but was taken over by dark forces.  After many days with out a sign of evil, they come to within an hours walk to the exit when they hear drums.  They make it to a narrow bridge when they see a large host of orcs and a balrog (a huge thing that has fire on its body and uses magic).  Here Gandalf slays the balrog, but he "died" as well in the feat.  The company is forced to leave him behind.  They stop outside of Moria and are met by elves.  They then spend some time in Lothlorien with the queen Galadrial.  When they leave, Frodo slips on the ring and slips away with Sam to finish their task....

Fellowship of the Ring Gallery

The Two Towers

           Than a great host of Orcs find the rest of the company and kidnap Pippin and Merry, they were actually looking for the hobbit with the ring.  Baromir, while trying to protect the two hobbits, slays a great number of Orcs, but is eventually slain by many Orc arrows as well.  Pippin and Merry do escape from the Orcs and go into the forest of Fangorn.  There they meet Treebeard the Ent, a tree-like being.  The hobbits tell him of the darkening of Saruman the wizard, the only other threat to the middle earth.  Treebeard rouses the other Ents and they successfully attack Orthanc and Isenguard, Saruman is the only one left, locked in his tower.  Meanwhile, Aragorn, Gimli, and Legolas go after the hobbits in a chase after the Orcs.  On the fields of Rohan, they meet some of the people that live there, the Riders of Rohan.  They tell of their slaying of the very Orcs that Aragorn and company were chasing.  The Riders lend Aragorn three horses and they search for the hobbits without success.  They camp on the outskirts of Fangorn and in the morning, they see an old man who reveals himself as Gandalf.  He tells them of his trials and they make their way to Rohan and the king.  There they talk to him and convince him to ride against Saruman's servants.  They then have a big battle at Helm's Deep near Isengaurd.  Gandalf and Pippin then ride off to Minas Tirith to help them get ready for battle.  Meanwhile Frodo and Sam meet up with Gollum, he was after "his" ring.  He goes into Frodo's service and helps him find the way to Mordor.  He leads them to a secret way, kind of like a back door called Cirith Ungol.  Gollum deceives them and Sam and Frodo are attacked by a large spider called Shelob.  Frodo is struck down and Sam, blind with rage, stabs the spider with his sword.  Sam assumes Frodo is dead and he takes the ring and Frodo's sword.  He then hears Orcs and they discover Frodo and pronounce him alive, and they take him.

The Two Towers Gallery

The Return of the King

      A lot happens in preparation for the oncoming war with the host of Mordor.  By the time the war starts, the men of Minis Tirith and Rohan are greatly out numbered and the gates of Minis Tirith fall quickly.  During the first attack on Minis Tirith, Faromir, the Steward's son, is hit by a poisoned orc arrow.  The Steward of Minis Tirith loses his hope and then his mind rather quickly, and kills himself.   Merry, protecting the king of Rohan, hits the lord of the dark Nazgul (extremely evil beings) with his sword and almost dies.  Eventually the war is won in front of Minis Tirith, but the enemy's major force is not used yet.  They decide to take a group of about 6,000 to the gates of Mordor, to lay a trap for the evil king.  After failing to negotiate with the "mouth of Sauron," (the dark king), a battle begins in front of the gates.  Just then all the buildings of Mordor start collapsing and the battle starts breaking up as the hosts of Mordor start fleeing in terror.  This happened because Frodo had been rescued by Sam and they finally made it to Mount Doom and cast the evil ring into the volcano.  The evil that Sauron wielded collapsed at once.  Frodo and Sam were rescued just in time by two helpful eagles, they were almost swallowed up by the collapsing city.  They are now heroes.  Then Aragorn is married to the son of the lord of Rivendell and Faromir is married to the lady of Rohan, Eowyn.  Then the fellowship of the ring break up and the hobbits and Gandalf head for Rivendell.  There they talk for a while with Bilbo.  Then the four hobbits leave with Gandalf and go to the Shire, Gandalf leaves there company  right outside of the Shire.  When the four hobbits return, they see that everything has been changed and men under the direction of Saruman has taken over the Shire.   Some quick thinking and bravery from the hobbits quickly destroy the ruffians in their town and Saruman is destroyed.  After a few years of peaceful living, Frodo makes off with Bilbo, Elrond and Gandalf into the havens.  Our hero's great deeds have finally come to an end.

Return of the King Gallery

"Three Rings for the Elven-kings under the sky,
             Seven for the Dwarf-lords in their halls of stone,
Nine for the Mortal Men doomed to die,
  One for the Dark Lord on his dark throne
  In the land of Mordor where the Shadows lie.
            One Ring to rule them all, One Ring to find them,
                       One Ring to bring them all and in the darkness bind them
   In the Land of Mordor where the Shadows lie."
