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Dedication Page for Alisha Wolfe.
                       This Page is Dedicated for the family & friends of Alisha Wolfe.

Poem For The Family

First of all I want to say that Alisha was 15 years of age and she was a very beautiful woman. I had always wanted my brother to grow up and marry her someday, for some reason. She touched many lives that she came in contact with. The funeral home is not a very small place and when I went to the funeral on Sunday (June 25,2000) the place was so crowded from the people there to pay there last respects. Some of our good friends had to stand outside because of the crowd. So you see, she touched lives. How many, we will never know. Rest in peace, in heaven, Alisha because we know that is where you really belong, along with more of your kind,ANGELS.                                         Bro.Kenneth