A night with two 'karnies

so, once the waitress was tended to by paramedics, we thought it a good idea to change bars, here is the continued interview of that dreary night:

what's the strangest thing ever thrown onstage?

Lefty: a severed hand at a show in Bath, England. It was pretty creepy. it hit Alexander but he didn't notice, he's always drunk. So anyway, we asked who's it was but no one claimed it. I think they were afraid that we were gonna get pretty mad. It's in a jar now, we named it Tinkerfluff, he's sorta like our mascot. (thinks for a moment)yeah... he's great, especially at drinking/slapping games. great, but definitely weird.
JoJo:Oh, and also, my guitar, 'cos I thought I was playing it.

so, you've just ended your American tour, it must be nice to be finished up with that?

JoJo: yes
Lefty: I don't know

Do you have plans for another tour yet?

JoJo: yes
Lefty: what?
JoJo: well we have to talk to our manager about that... who is our manager?


JoJo: oh.


Lefty: Yeah. something like a bar tour, like, drinking bars - like a drinking tour

of bars?

JoJo: yes definitely. I've been itching for some new gigs ever since we lost the costcutter in Wyoming

Where's Alexander?

Lefty: He's getting married in Canadia

he's getting married?

JoJo: no.

what was highschool like for you guys? I hear orphan boarding schools are pretty hard for such artistic and self expressed people like yourselves.

JoJo: don't make a hard knock life joke
Lefty: yeah well, we got into fights alot. We were always in trouble. It's like, they just didn't understand me or something

JoJo then proceeded to smash a highlife bottle over Lefty's head. They both seemed to think it was a pretty funny game, so I decided this was probably the end of the interview and quietly sneaked out the door leaving them with the bar tab.