More Phun Photos

These are again stolen from various places on the internet... forgive me.

Portraits from Into The Woods
You may also read about the fun times I had doing this production here.

Here I am as a dazzling Sleeping Beauty. What a cushy role. I only had to say "[yawn] Excuse me."

My dear friend Johnny was Jack, as in And The Beanstalk.
Isn't he pretty?

Here is Daniel as the Steward. He used to live with the Amish in Indiana, but now he may be found as Activities Director at the new Rainbow Club West where he emcees a mean karioke.

And while we're at the Playhouse, here's something I found when I did a Google search for my name so I could find myself. I found myself when I was 17 accepting $500 from the Playhouse.

Sophomore year's choir retreat, where we are forced to play some ridiculous bonding game. You'll find me on the right looking positively enthralled.

Vicki is my chum. She is one happy gal.

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