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This is an older version of my Web site. Please click on the logo below for the latest version.
Note: Some links may no longer work.

Portfolio About Yours Truly Year-by-Year Pics Yahoo Photo Album

Sounding Off

Version 2.0

Welcome to my newly designed Web site. Here's a link to the painfully outdated old site, which has remained virtually unchanged for more than eight years now. The time had come to trade it in for a newer model.

Also, I bought the domain name for a while so you can get here using just that instead of this bulkier Angelfire URL.

As some of you may know, I temporarily went to Yahoo's Geocities, but I quickly found out that (although they've got some nice features) unless you're willing to pay it's an exercise in frustration. The bandwidth Geocities allots for free Web sites is so small that frequently my site would get shut down because too many people (one, usually) would visit the site.

So I'm back at good ol' Angelfire. And apart from the ugly ads on the tops and bottoms of these pages (and the pop-ups--I apologize), I like it here. One day I'll actually fork up the money and pay a monthly fee to have an ad-free site, but for now this'll have to do.

Anyway, enjoy the Site!

much love,

bj chaplin

What's New

Newest site additions

I have a few new pics on my Yahoo Photos page. I now have pics of my first apartment and Easter '06. Oh joy.

Because I have nothing better to do, I'm going to start putting screen captures on my site so you can see what my computer desktop looks like. I know many of my adoring fans were foaming at the mouth for this. And yes, you're all very welcome.

Oh yeah and the new collages of my photos were put together by the talented Mr. Alfred. Much thanks to him for doing that for me.

And although it's not that new, I compiled a Worst Movies EVER list. On it is what I regard as the worst pieces of #^&$%(&@!* ever to grace the silver screen. This is the bottom of the barrel, people-- the worst of the worst. After you see these movies, you don't demand a refund. You sue for damages.

Where You'll Find Me Online

"Sites" to see

Cute video clip
You won't believe what comes out of this kid's mouth. Funny stuff
New Recruiting Tool
Look at George W. Bush's latest technique for getting people to enlist to fight in Iraq. Funny stuff
Soup up your PC (or Mac) with icons, wallpapers, & more-- all original art
Black People Love Us!
Hilarious (but controversial) site, it may offend some. I suggest you take it for what it is-- a satire
Bush Supporters
Please click here if you voted for George W. Bush in either 2000 or 2004. Flash must be enabled
Busted Tees
Funny t-shirts for twisted minds
Test your friends' knowledge with custom-made quizzes
If it's available to download off the internet, it's here (including all the software to your right)

© bj chaplin. All rights reserved and all that good stuff.