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Carnaval De Quebec Photos!

This is just a special section for the Carnaval De Quebec Photos. Because most likely there is (and will be) many! Carnaval de Québec is the biggest snow festival in the world. This is the opening night concert I went to. They played Quebec music and we all stood in -10 degrees and danced outside. Fun!

during the Carnival, they build an ice castle that is filled with ice sculptures. The outside is just as impressive!

Another piccy of the ice castle.

Yet another!

This is an ice sculpture of a bear inside the castle.

They have snow sculpture competitions in the carnaval with each province of Canada having 2 man teams.

During the 2 week carnaval, they have sled races through the streets. I went and watched these, they were really exciting. During I met two Australians on a teaching exchange from S.A! Its a small world.

Dome pictures of the parade­.


These are the dog-sled races in the carnaval!

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