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SPECIAL PHOTOS: Carnaval De Québec Photos!

This is the first time I went to old quebec city. IT was -30 degrees with -45 windchill and the night was one of the coldest in 2002-2003 with -50 degrees celcius. BRRR!
The elevator looking thing in the middle is called Funiculaire and its a bit of an attraction to the tourists!

...See what I mean...-30 degrees and proof!

Here is me infront of the famous hotel in Quebec City, Chateau Frontenac. Can u see me? I`m the one smiling.... haha.

This was the veiw outside my room the first morning I was in Quebec snowed all day and was about -15 degrees..not that bad!!! Pretty huh?!

This guy was busking Cat Stevens songs outside in the cold..I thought that deserved a piccy!

This is one of the Old Quebec City`s wall`s gates that still remain today. They built the war to keep Old Quebec safe when the english tried to invade the french city.

This is one of the older traditional houses in Quebec. Its now a funeral house!

This is a typical Old Quebec uppertown street.

Me in the streets of old Quebec`

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