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Snowboarding Pics

Okay..So I`m going to add more soon when I go snowboarding more..but here are some happy snaps so far!

Yes dats me - looking as cool as ever on the kiddies/beginners course.

Yes dats me too - looking as stupid as ever on the kiddies/beginners course.

Joille and I decided after tumbeling down the learners hill about 500 times, we would tackle a proper course up top of the mountain. (And hopefully have more luck)

This is the typical looks from ontop of the mountain, for where I live!

After a multi-crash with Joille and I. I quote myself 'I`m okay - really *crack* owwww!'

Me after snowboarding!

The half pipe that I attempted! Woohoo.

We decided to head down the road and make a jump using a snow-bogged picnic table.

Just the lifts to the peak of the mountain.

Just the veiw from the peak.

The inside of the snowboarding center. They had a dance party going on up the top level and we all went and danced in our snow gear.

While I`m in Quebec, Hayden my boyfriend is snowboarding it hard in whistler - BC!
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