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September 2005 Newsletter

Dear John…………………S. Donelson

Official Newsletter for the Capt. John S. Donelson

UDC Chapter #2608

Volume II. Issue 1

September 2005

Greetings from President Isbell

Dear Daughters, Wow, it is difficult to believe summer is almost over. It has been such a busy time. Several daughters began the summer by attending the Tennessee Monument dedication at Shiloh Battlefield and Decoration Day services at Mt. Olivet Cemetery and Tulip Grove Cemetery. All events were well-attended. It was quite a sight to see all the graves at Tulip Grove marked with the Stars and Bars, Battleflag, Bonnie Blue, and Third National Flag. What an appropriate tribute to our ancestors! In July your officers met and decided the upcoming meeting dates and events. I think you will find several meetings of interest. You will find the meeting dates and some events listed in the newsletter. At the August meeting we will elect delegates to the Convention and discuss thoughts on projects you would like to accomplish during the upcoming year.

Greetings from our Registrar

Since our last meeting we have received approval from General on 3 new member applications, Kay Johnson, Sylvia LeCroy, Eleanor LeCroy. We have also received approval on 4 supplements and have 6 pending supplements.

Greetings from Vice President Parks

Hope this first newsletter finds everyone well. Since we last meet in May, I have had a busy summer. I attended both the Confederate Decoration at Mt. Olivet Cemetery and the SCV Confederate Decoration Day at Tulip Grove Cemetery. Along with my mom, Linda Jackson and sister Christina Isbell have donated two copies of the book, Papa was a Boy in Gray, one to the Mt. Juliet Library and the other to the Gallatin Library in honor of Mrs. Lillie Odom, our Randolph Relief Lady. I have also shipped two boxes to Iraq full of all kinds of goodies from the entire chapter. The boxes went to a gentleman and his pharmacy staff that worked at the V.A. Hospital in Louisville, Kentucky with my Grandpa. Lastly, I just returned from Spokane, Washington, from a WWII Marine Corp Reunion with my Grandpa. I look forward to serving as your vice president again this year and hope everyone has a fun and exciting year.

Important Dates from the War Between the States

August 29-30, 1862- Second Battle of Manassas

September 14-15, 1862- Battle of Harper’s Ferry

September 17, 1862- Battle of Sharpsburg

September 19-20, 1963- Battle of Chickamauga

September 19, 1863- Capt. John S. Donelson was killed.

September 1, 1864- Atlanta falls

September 2, 1964- Sherman occupies the city

Information on Tennessee Division Convention

For those of you that don’t have e-mail or have not received information on this year’s Tennessee Division Convention, here is a little information for you. This year’s Convention is being held in Memphis, TN at the Holiday Inn Select East at Poplar Ave . The dates are September 30- October 2. The theme this year is Memphis- Southern Style. If you need a registration form please contract either Christina Isbell or Erin Parks.

Update on Ancestor Stories

The Ancestor stories are currently being typed and hope to be on the chapter webpage soon. If you have not written an ancestor story please get those to Erin Parks as soon as possible so that we will have a story on everyone’s ancestor. If you can’t remember if you have written one, please see me as I have the list of stories.


This year’s yearbook will be handed out at the August meeting. If there are any corrections to addresses, phone numbers or e-mail addresses, please contact Erin Parks so that we can get that information corrected. This year’s yearbook is going to be a little different but those of you that want to keep it in their notebook can.

If you have any information that you would like to put in the newsletter please contract Erin Parks two weeks prior to the meeting date, as the newsletter will come out one week prior to the meeting.

Meeting Dates for 2005-2006

Aug. 27th: Lee Hunt- Women's Voting Rights

Sept. 24th: Erin Parks- Randolph Relief Ladies

Sept. 30th-Oct 2nd: Tennessee Division Convention

Oct 22nd : Tour of Gallatin/ Lunch at Monell's

Nov 26th: TBA

Dec 10th: Christmas Tea at Linda Jackson’s House (Speaker Mark Brown)

January- Lee-Maury-Jackson Luncheon

Feb 25th:TBA

March 25th:Christina Isbell: Antebellum Quilts

April 22nd: TBA

May 27th: Installation of New Officers

Chapter Webpage

Many of you know that we now have a chapter webpage, the address is If anyone has something that they would like to put on the webpage please e-mail Erin Parks at I would like to get an officers picture to put on the webpage. If all officers can try to be at the September meeting then we can try to get a picture put up.
