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Dear John…………………S. Donelson

Official Newsletter for the Capt. John S. Donelson UDC Chapter #2608

Volume II. Issue 2

October/November 2005

Greetings from President Isbell

Dear Daughters,

What a busy month October is! The Chapter stated off the month by winning several awards at Convention in Memphis. I was so proud to accept these awards on behalf of the membership. The awards solidify the great work we do as an organization and as sister! One of the more important things we learned was how easy it is to accomplish things for the organization and not even think about it. Joyce Blocker brought up the fact that she gives her used UDC magazine to a local VFW auxiliary. Every time we give magazines, books, CDs and videos to groups, schools, libraries, etc., it needs to be noted for our reports. Our reports that we submit annually are a great way to get others motivated plus they let the whole world know the great things we do as a chapter. I will share other items of interest from the Convention at the October meeting in Gallatin.

We need to continue to remember the victims if Hurricane Rita and Katrina. The Chapter is selling T-shirts and Afghans with a Magnolia Flower on them to raise funds for the Gulf area. I will bring these items to the meetings for purchase for yourself or Christmas presents! I took these items to Convention and to the Mt. Olivet Cemetery Tour and sold quite a few at both events.

I want to give a special “thank you” to Erin Parks for updating out website. She has posted the President’s General’s project, the Historian General’s project, and will be adding our Chapter project, which we will discuss at the October meeting. Here again, these postings let the general public know of the great thing out Chapter is doing. If you would like to see additions or changes to the website please let Erin know.

Finally, for those who do not know, our very own Scott Aiken has been sent back to the Middle East. You will see Scott and Drew Rankin’s addresses listed in the newsletter. Please remember these young men with your prayers, cards, letters, and care packages. I will be sending a box to each of them towards the end of the month on behalf of the Chapter. These mean are doing an outstanding service for their Country and need to be remembered and thanked for all they do.

I look forward to seeing you all at the October and November meetings. Our fieldtrip to Trousdale Place in October will be spectacular and in November we are working on lining up a speaker on the Battle of Suggs Creek, so make sure and bring guests to both of these meetings. I think you will enjoy them a great deal. With love of the South, Christina.

Greeting from our Registrar

Since our last meeting we have received no new information about any of the supplements that were sent off. I did speak with the new Division Registrar at convention but because the supplements were sent in before her term she did not know anything about them.

Greeting from Vice President Parks

Dear Daughters,

Since our last meeting, I have had a pretty busy month. President Isbell, Linda Jackson, Etta Aiken and I attended the Tennessee Division Convention in Memphis, when Chris and I served as Pages. Convention was very informative and I really encourage everyone to attend next year when it is in Middle Tennessee. I was very proud of the chapter as a whole as we won several awards. I hope to see everyone at the October meeting at Trousdale Place; I think it will be very interesting. Chris and I have done a lot of research to various things that we as a chapter can do for the next year, more information on these things to come soon. I still have not heard anything yet about the Adopt-A-Highway with the Col. Randal W. McGavock SCV Camp, hopefully Ty Pryor will hear back soon on this project so that this Spring we can start this as a project.

Important Dates from the War Between the States

November 23-25, 1863- Battles of Chattanooga (Orchard Knob, Lookout Mtn, Missionary Ridge)

November 29, 1864- Battle of Spring Hill, TN

November 30, 1864- Battle of Franklin

October Featured General of the War between the States

General John Hunt Morgan was born in Alabama in 1825, and became one of the South’s most gallant officers. Although Kentucky did not secede, during the War between the States, he joined the Confederacy and rose quickly from Captain to brigadier general. Following the Tullahoma Campaign in Tennessee, Morgan was granted permission to enter Kentucky on another raid, but disobeyed Bragg’s orders not to cross the Ohio River. He raided Southern Indiana and Ohio July 2-26, 1863, and caused a panic in Cincinnati. He was captured near Lisborn, Ohio on July 26th, and sent to Ohio State Prison, from which he escaped on November 26, 1863. After returning to duty, General Morgan was placed in command in East Tennessee and Southwest Virginia. While on a raid against the Federals in East Tennessee, Morgan was surprised and shot dead in Greenville, Tennessee on September 4, 1864.

November Featured General of the War Between the States

General Patrick Ronayne Cleburne was born, appropriately on St. Patrick’s Day in County Cork, Ireland in 1828. Cleburne fought at Shiloh, Corinth, Richmond, KY, Perryville, KY, and Middle TN during the Tullahoma Campaign, with his headquarters in Wartrace, and Chickamauga. Cleburne was the highest ranking of the five Confederate generals who died at Franklin. After the battle, their bodies were laid on the back porch of the McGavock mansion, “Carnton.” Cleburne was buried near Columbia, but his remains were eventually returned to his adopted hometown of Helena, Arkansas.

List of Awards

Cheryl Cole- 2nd place for poem, “Spring 1865”

Cheryl Cole – 3rd place for poem, “High Green Hills”

Largest Donation to Division Scholarship Fund

Chapter with 100% membership to UDC magazine

Best Chapter Scrapbook – 3rd place

Addresses for Soldiers

Lt. Col. Scott D. Aiken

2/6 H & S Company

Unit 73175/H Q Section

FPO, AE 09509-3175

LCPL, Rankin, David A

3rd BN 6th Marines

Kilo Co. Wpns. Plt.

Unit 73300

FPO, AE 09509-3300

If you have any information that you would like to put in the newsletter please contract Erin Parks two weeks prior to the meeting date, as the newsletter will come out one week prior to the meeting.


Erin Parks

1105 Cedar Hill Drive Antioch, TN 37013

Placing of the Wreath on Boy Hero Sam Davis’s grave in Memory of his 163rd birthday on October 6th.

Cecil Cole, Cheryl Cole and Linda Jackson
