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For Ministerial Credential or License

Name _________________________________________  Address ______________________________________

City ___________________________________ State _________________________ Zip____________________

Home Ph#______________________ Cell Ph#_____________________ E-mail ___________________________

Nationality_______________________ SS# _______________________________ Male______ Female _______

DOB_______________ Age __________ Married _______ Single _______ Divorce _______ Widowed ________

(If married more than once, enclose explanation on separate sheet of paper)

1.      Have you been baptized in the name of Jesus Christ as stated in Ac. 2:38?_____________________________

2.      Have you received the Holy Ghost?  _________________ When?____________________________________

3.      Do you believe in One Lord, One Faith, One Baptism as stated in Ep.4:5?_____________________________

4.      Do you stand firm on The Churches of Jesus Christ Gospel Message according to Zech.14:9______________

5.      Have you been called to the Gospels work? ________________. When?_______________________________

6.      What is your principal calling? ____________________________. Have you been Ordained?_____________ If yes, When? ________________________.  By Whom?____________________________

7.      Do You Pastor a Church? ____________.  If yes, What is the name of your Church _____________________ __________________________________  Address _______________________________________________

City _____________________ State _______________ Zip ____________Ph#_______________________

8.      Do you teach tithes and offerings for the support of the Church as stated in Mal. 3:10, Mt. 23:23, and Lu. 18:12? ___________. Do you believe that if you receive tithes you should pay tithes? ___________.  Mal. 3:8 asks us, “Will a man rob God”?  If we preach to men not to steal, then we also should not steal. Ro 2:21

9.      Are you willing to give a tenth of your tithes and offerings for the support of The Churches of Jesus Christ General Offices in Cleveland Tennessee as stated in Nu. 18:26? _____________.  Are you willing to support the National Offices so that this Gospel (The Truth) can be preached into all the world before the end comes? ___________ Mt. 24:14.  Are you willing to help support our Missionaries, Orphanages, and Schools around the world? _____________

10.  Do you understand that The Churches of Jesus Christ, as a Body, is an Organism, and that Jesus Christ is the Head of that Body? _________________.  Do you believe that each local Church should be owned by and deeded to the local Saints? __________________________

11.  Where have you labored the past year?_______________________________________________

      Please use additional sheet if necessary. Please list two ministers who know you personally and have heard you preach. These ministers must sign their names. (Do not print)

Name ______________________________________          Name _______________________________________


Address ____________________________________          Address______________________________________


City _______________________________________          City ________________________________________


State _____________________ Zip ______________         State ______________________Zip _______________

Please Print your full name as you want it to appear on your Credentials. Bishop, Rev., Elder, Miss., or Overseer

Printed Name _________________________________________________________________________________


Signature ______________________________________________________________ Date _______________________

Please enclose a recent photograph of yourself accompanied by an offering of $ 25.00 for License or Ordained Credentia