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All Hallow's Eve.
The Blackest Night of the Year.

The Night that Dead Walk and Witches Chant
Will it change?

.......High in the midnight sky between the full silver moon and a sleepy looking little town the owl spreads her wings, seeming to float effortlessly through the air. Looking with her sharp eyes into the night a movement on the edge of the woods catches her attention. Interested, she swoops down and lands on the branch of a nearby tree to watch....(maybe there will be some dinner in this.)
Under her watchfull eyes, a black cloaked figure pulls its hood closely around its face, and hurries along the edge of the woods, moving gracefully from shadow to shadow underneath the trees. Deeper, and deeper into the woods the figure creeps until it can barely be seen. The light cast by the moon barely causes the figure to have a shadow as it slows its pace and then finally stops.

Letting the hood fall away from her face, the woman tilts her face up toward the moon, and closes her eyes.....smelling fire in the air....listening to the quiet night sounds.
She smiles as she walks slowly toward a clearing set deep in the heart of the woods. She reaches the edge of the clearing, and pauses standing completely still, looking around the clearing.
The woods are cleared here in this spot in a circle. Torches and candles are set all within the circle, and are casting off that lovely fire smell that she so loves. In the center of the clearing is a stone altar of sorts, and lying on it is a woman. She watches as more black cloaked figures move around within the circle, busy preparing for the ceremony that is to come........
The wind picks up, and the owl flutters its wings uncomfortably as the smell of fire reaches her.
The woman reaches up and unfastens the clasp of her cloak, letting it fall back to expose her long, beautiful black dress underneath. She moves slowly toward the altar, and thinks to herself as she feels the sweet tension in the air that always comes before the sacrifical ceremony, ahhhhhh how I love being a witch! On the other side of the altar, and the unconcious woman a cauldron is set up and bubbling nicely....the witch stirs it and makes sure it is just about ready for the next set of ingredients.
The time has come. The black cloaked figures gather around the altar in a circle, and begin to softly chant. The witch reaches under her cloak to her back, where her dagger is softly nestled in its sheath. Slowly she pulls it out and stands over the woman....looking at her. How lovely. The woman, who for the moment is oblivious to the trouble she is in, is peacefully lying bound to the altar. She has long blonde hair and it curls around her shoulders, then spills over the edge of the alter falling almost to the ground in its mass of curls and waves. She is dressed in a long white flowing robe. Gently the witch reaches out with her dagger, and splits the robe from the hem to the throat.....leaving the woman exposed to the stares of the coven gathered around her. The witch reaches out again and slices off a few strands of the woman's long hair. Turning, she lets the hair fall into the bubbling pot, as she begins her spell......
The woman moves, beginning now to wake, and the witch turns back to her. The woman opens her eyes and looks directly into the glistening stare of the witch. The woman's eyes widen as the witch raises her dagger for the fatal blow. Blood runs off the altar and droplets of it fall into the bubbling pot...........

......The owl flutters her wings and floats back up toward the sky, leaving the ugly scene of the witches and their chanting behind her. She circles over the wooded area and looks down. The flames and the circle can barely be seen from up here... Bored and finding no dinner in this adventure after all, she flies out of the woods and floats over the sleepy little town located right on the edge of the woods. Perhaps she will find a fat mouse in the streets somewhere......

........The town is lit up in celebration of the All Hallows Eve Holiday. Houses are decorated with brightly colored hanging lights, and fat jackolanterns. Blackcloaked witches hang from trees....frozen in mid flight and used as yard decoration....because we all know that Witches aren't REAL...!! Screaming, laughing children litter the streets and run amuck looking for all the candy they can find on this special night. Smiling Moms with flashing camers hand out candy and enjoy the show that the children put on in the streets.
The owl floats...watching. No mouse in all this madness....She flies a few streets over. Not so active here.....maybe we will eat tonight yet!! An older couple look up and see the owl as they listen to the madness going on not so far away....
Their house is mostly dark, except for a few candles burning, and a huge Jack-O-Lantern sitting on the front porch. Hmmph! the old lady thinks to herself as she sits close to the Jackolantern and watches the owl....there will be no dead walking at this house tonight....
The owl flies over a deserted field, and sees.. ...a MOUSE!! Finally, Dinner is served......

I think that as long as there are witches, and evil, and people who pretend that evil does not exist, that All Hallow's Eve will not change.